Wednesday, March 31, 2004

This is our daughter Laura...and this is our other daughter, Laura's sister

I came across an article on MSN that was talking about "birth order myths" and I thought it was pretty interesting. While they said that birth order isn't a definite predictor of success, happiness, etc... they did say that each birth order spot had some glaring personalities.

If you're the oldest, you're probably:

* Most likely to succeed

* Most conscientious and reliable

* Conservative

* Self-critical

* A perfectionist

* Able to enjoy the company of older people

* The link between your parents and siblings

In addition, oldest children are:

* Seldom allowed to be just kids--their parents continually push them ahead and expect the most from them

* Often dethroned by younger siblings

* Convinced their siblings will outshine them

If you're the middle child, you're probably:

* A compromiser and negotiator

* The silent rebel against the family's values

* The one with the most friends, an effective team player

* Reticent, but dream of being catapulted to greatness

* Part of the woodwork, unless finally given a position of outright command

Middle children are also:

* Well aware they are frequently bypassed and upstaged by older or younger sibs

* Often eager to carve out a unique spot in the family, whether positive or negative

* Likely to be compelled to move away from the family to establish a secure spot among their peers.

If you're the youngest child, you're probably:

* Compelled to make a contribution to the world

* A show-off who enjoys the limelight

* Both a charmer and a rebel--endearing one minute, hard to deal with the next.

* Often the family clown.

* Creative.

Youngest children are also:

* Often stuck doubting the validity of their perceptions because they were often laughed at or not taken seriously.

* Likely to be compelled to do what the older children haven't.

I have two younger sisters and comparing myself and them to these traits--they seem pretty accurate, except I will never be dethroned.

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