Tuesday, March 23, 2004

The mystery that is my brain

Ok, so lately I've been having really strange dreams that involve celebrities. I know that doesnt sound too odd, but the dreams are somewhat the same to a certain degree....

*they all take place in natural surroundings- a lake, a field, a forest

*they involve celebrities I rarely think about- Matt Damon, Leonardo Dicaprio, David Schwimmer --or really even find that attractive

*in all of these dreams we are a couple, the celebrity and I, and are completely enamored with each other

*we are always running from someone or some group of people, but in a very romantic/scandalous way....not like we are going to be killed or anything

So I cant say I'm upset I'm having these dreams, but it really makes me wonder what causes them, and why these certain people? I can't even remember the last time I even had a thought about Matt Damon, much less "Ross". I think those dream decoder things are a joke....I mean really, how would anyone know what would cause a certain person to dream of a certain thing? When I went through a span in which I only had dreams about alligators (dont ask) I tried looking up what this meant and I was told "Alligators most always symbolize a problem! To be surrounded by one means you have to choose one bad thing to get out of a lot of bad things." What crap, there was nothing going on at the time even remotely close to that.

I think it would be cool to be hypnotized. My friend went to this big show in Vegas and was hypnotized and when she viewed the tape later she couldnt believe it had happened. I was watching the tape with her a few months later and passed out in the middle of when he was "putting them under", and I remember thinking it was so hard to stay awake, even though it wasnt late or anything. They were all convinced that even through the tape I was becoming hypnotized. I think it would be a cool experience, I never really believed in it until I saw how my friend reacted to it. I wonder if all that spiritual weird stuff is real, like tarot cards, mediums, etc. I still am really shocked by the stuff that the palm reader in Soho knew about me. We had just done it for fun, but we all left kind of freaked out. She out of nowhere told my friend that she had been in an abusive relationship for a few years and was now with the right person. She told her that this abusive person came back into her life recently, but just for a moment. The weird part was, she HAD been in an abusive relationship, hadnt heard from the guy in years, was now in a good relationship, and getting engaged, but 2 days earlier had run into the previous guy while out shopping. See...that just doesnt make sense to me, but maybe I'm not suppose to understand it.

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