Monday, March 08, 2004 I come?

Ever just wake up with a knot in your stomach on one of those days that could possibly change the rest of your life? Yep, thats me, today. I have my grad school interview with Fordham this afternoon and I'm a little freaked, but not for the normal reasons. I'm not super worried about the interview itself because I am pretty prepared for it, but I found myself throwing all kinds of scenarios at myself on the drive to work. I started wondering things that are probably common worries to the "new" New Yorker, but drive the real New Yorkers crazy. Things like:

-How do I go grocery shopping? I wont have a car, and thats a lot of stuff to carry on my own. I wonder how many grocery places there are around where I would live. Would I be a walking target to get my stuff stolen? (5'1 girl carrying lots of bags)

-Are there certain areas that I should just never be at alone? Im sure there are, but where are they? The subway is fine to ride alone during the day but not at night right?

-I never carry cash but I keep thinking I will be stuck in this situation in which my only way home is a long cab ride. Should I carry like $20 on me at all times?

These all seem like retarded questions, but I cant help but wonder about them. It would be different if I was moving there with someone, or if I knew even ONE person in the city, but I won't. I'm really ahead of myself in this situation because there is still the whole possibility of me not getting accepted, but what fun is that to daydream about?

I guess everytime I get ansy I'll just think about all the great things in NYC.....yea, that should definitely work. Wish me luck today!

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