Friday, March 12, 2004

Carnies, you know, carnival folk...smell like cabbage

Well up until now, a boy at my 8th grade school dance had held the prize for worst possible breath ever. The whole time we danced all I could smell was cabbage. Anyways, I thought that he would never be unseated from this title, but yet another contender has arrived today. I encountered someone who had what I like to call "old ham breath". Yea I'm not a fan of ham to start so this was by far utter torture.

So which was worse...the cabbage or the ham? Well in order to get a clear idea of what I am dealing with, follow these directions:

Cabbage: boil some cabbage, then find your stinkiest shoe and fill it with cabbage, place shoe in a box and put it in your car trunk on a hot day. At the end of the day, remove the cabbage have someone else chew it up and then blow in your face

Old Ham Breath: cook some ham, not honey ham, just plain old ham, and then leave a slab of it hanging from your porch for a few days, just long enough for it to get a few maggots or something on it. Take slab down, dont remove maggots, roll up like a burrito, then proceed with the eating and the blowing in the face

You be the judge

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