Thursday, March 18, 2004

All work and no play makes Laura a dull girl

So I have this new thing that I can't watch anything scary now that I live alone. I always tend to freak myself out with regards to ghosts and all that. I am still unable to sleep with my bed facing a mirror because I use to have a fear that I would wake up in the middle of the night and open my eyes and see something in the mirror. Weird, I know.

A lot of movies have scared me, but there are only a few that really freaked me out.

1) The Shining --for obvious reasons. Also, I actually went to the hotel/lodge that was the model for the one in the movie, its in California. It was pretty eerie.

2) IT -- I watched this for the first time in 5th grade and then had to walk home at dusk. I couldnt take my eyes off the sewer drainage things the whole time. For years I would glance at the drain while taking a shower.

3) The Devil's Advocate -- Looking back, this movie was more "freaky" than scary, but at the time it did the trick. I always think that scary movies with religious connections are the most frightening.

4) The Exorcist -- Now up until I was about 18, I had never seen this movie. So my whole family decided to get it one night and I was thinking, this wont be scary, its old and probably not believable. Well I watched the whole thing and then everyone went off to bed. Yeah. I paid my sister $5 to sleep in a bean bag in my room that night.

5) The Ring -- This has been my most recent scare. I saw this with Brian and was completely freaked out by the whole thing. I think it was the imagery of that tape that got me and that girl with her long black hair that covered her face, ugh. I dont think I went to be bed before 5 am that night, Brian, however,slept perfectly. In my current apartment my bed faces my closet door that I leave open, and occassionally I freak myself out by glancing at my closet while in bed and thinking that girl will be standing in there, with her hair all wet and then start doing that scary walk towards my bed. Its not that I TRY to scare myself, its just an inevitable thought when you are home alone.

There are a few movies that I havent seen and that I am hesitant to see unless I watch them when I am going to be spending the night with someone. Ive been told that "Cabin Fever" was insanely scary and I really want to see "Taking Lives". I also saw a commercial for that Stephen King miniseries "Kingdom Hospital" and the only thing that is scarier to me than a ghost is a little girl ghost who is mean. No way in hell I could watch that.

What is the movie(s) that scared the crap out of you?

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