Tuesday, March 09, 2004

ramble ramble

Happy to say my interview went really well and there is a good possibility that I might actually be in grad school this fall, but until I get the letter, no more nyc daydreaming, just gets me too excited and freaked out.

In other thoughts...
Over the years Ive worked in a good handful of offices and I am still yet to understand why there are so many dumb phrases we use, that we all know are dumb, yet respond to them with fake laughter like it all makes sense. For instance, the classic "having fun yet?". Ugh. I hate that. I mean what kind of a question is that? Of course we arent having fun, we're at work. Yet I always respond with my simple one word answer that usually gets me out of anything -"always".

There use to be a lady at my old office that would prance around on Fridays saying "Happy Happy Friday". Its enough to make one vomit, or want to trip her.

On a positive note....Dashboard is finally back in Orlando this summer! I can't wait. I heart Chris......bigtime.

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