Wednesday, March 03, 2004


I know some of you have probably seen this already, but I like it so I'm sharing it again.

This was sent by a friend who noted that a group of Syrians decided to hold an anti-American rally. Since they couldn't read and write English for their protest signs, they found an English-speaker to "translate" their anti-American slogans for them. They apparently made the mistake of asking the wrong guy to help them and he took matters into his own hands.

Bus Fare to anti-American Protest Rally: $0.50

Paint and Canvas Protest Signs: $32.00

Asking a retired U.S. Army Sergeant to translate your anti-American slogan: PRICELESS

P.S.--for my so-called "friends" who have already commented....yea I know its not real, but I still like it so fuck off

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