Thursday, April 01, 2004

Fiddle Faddle

Well, I've got nothin.

So why am I posting and wasting your time you ask? Well because its my blog and you're not the boss of me.

I was looking through some of my old journals last night, reading old entries is always interesting. Well halfway through one of them this folded up letter falls out. It turns out to be an 8 page letter I had written my crush at that time. Man I can't even believe how pathetic it was...I got a little nauseaus seeing how naive I had been and how I stated numerous times that I was "over him" in the letter blah blah blah---when I clearly remember that I wasn't. How dumb. Anyways, I started to wonder why I had never delivered this letter that I obviously put so much effort into. So I started reading back in the journal....when I came upon an entry dated the day after I had written the letter. Well apparently the night that I wrote the letter, I had also managed to hook up with the guy again--therefore making the letter complete crap. Man sometimes I amaze myself. Thank god I am past all that bullshit now.

I think the dress I wore to work today is too short for the "office environment". Its not like "ass cheeks are viewable from behind" short, but when everyone else here seems to wear turtleneck bodysuits, it probably does stand out. Screw it, that cute guy in Events seemed extra happy to see me, mission accomplished.

PS-- what the hell is this ? I mean I love Jerry Seinfeld, but when he starts being an internet pop-up....well I just dont know.

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