Monday, April 26, 2004

Maybe Today, We Can Put the Past Away

I haven't checked the mail since mid last week and I probably won't for a few more days. Somehow it makes me feel like I have the upper hand.

There is an apartment in my building thats on the ground floor facing the parking lot. The people that live there have this dog that is seriously sooo gorgeous, almost looks like a big stuffed animal. Anyways, they have been leaving him tied up on their patio quite often, which is fine, because their porch doesnt have a screen and I know dogs enjoy being outside. The thing that pisses me off is that they have him tied up with the shortest leash ever and its tied to the handle on the sliding glass door, which is kind of high above his head. The leash is so short that the dog cant even lie down, he has to sit straight up the whole time. I know there isnt really anything I can do about this but it really pisses me off because he looks so uncomfortable. Ive seriously considered buying a longer leash from Petsmart and leaving it on their patio. I wonder if it would do any good.

Anyone have a cd that is pretty old yet you constantly listen to it because it just makes you feel so good? For me that cd is Third Eye Blind's first album. I don't know why but when that cd is playing, all is well with the world.

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