Friday, April 02, 2004


So when I woke up this morning and then when I was driving to work, I just had this wonderful "what a great day" feeling....for absolutely no reason. Like one of those days where your hair isn't a pain in the ass, and your clothes look good on you...I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Anyways, this day has only gotten better. I got major kudos on this HUGE conference call with all these bigwigs listening -for my work on our intranet site- and then I got a big round of applause from my co-workers. So that was great but then it started to make me feel sad that I was in so good with such a good company...and that I might be leaving here to go to school in NYC. Well I was talking about this with my mom and she mentioned that she was talking to her boss yesterday (I also worked for him in highschool)...and she was saying how that even if I didnt get into Fordham that I was thinking of moving anyways-which scared her because I would leave my job for nothing. Well he said that if that turned out to be the case, that he would try and get me a job at the New York Stock Exchange! I would take this with a grain of salt normally, but he had gotten his daughter a summer job there a year or so ago and he is pretty well known in his its definitely in his reach. SCORE!
To top it all off I get to see my little puppy tonight. Man the day is only half over and I can't stop smiling. Have a great weekend!

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