Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Did anyone ever really make Jello Jigglers?

WARNING:This is one of my loose cannon days where I just ramble about nothing and everything in no specific order.

Ok, first of all, this has been around for a while I assume, but I had forgotten they even existed until I saw one this morning on the way to the gym.

Fake Bullet Hole Stickers for Cars

Now most of the time I can infer several possible reasons that even the stupidest individual could have for doing something like this, but for this case, I am blank. What possible reason could anyone have for putting these stickers on your car? Is having your car shot up a cool trend I overlooked? Can this even be placed in anyones mind anywhere near the category of "cool"? It's like racing stripes on a Mercedes (yes I have seen this atrocity)-- just cant be explained.

If you dont know what I am talking about, visit this site and view the guy that looks WAY too happy to have fake bullet holes on his truck.
In other news, for all of your Orlando Magic fans, ok well, any NBA fan, Tracy Mcgrady was traded yesterday to the Houston Rockets for Steve Francis. Well isnt that just great? Ehh, I dont know. I guess I'm not bitter about it because I really dont want someone here that doesnt want to be here, but the agony of "rebuilding" again just seems tired. Oh well, we are starting fresh I suppose, and we've got a good start thanks to the draft. Maybe when I move back to FL in a few years, they will be ready to go. Maybe Grant Hill will play this season. One of those "maybe's" was a joke and it wasnt the first one.

I was driving somewhere the other day when I heard this fairly new song on the radio. After listening to about 2 seconds of it I realized it was Alanis Morrisette. Well, turned out to be wrong. Has anyone heard of Maria Mena? Yea me either, but apparently she has decided to not only copy Alanis' voice, but her style as well. The only difference is that this Maria chick has the worst lyrics I've ever heard and it pains me to know she is making money off someone elses persona. The issue of her sounding like Alanis has had to come up because anyone with ears can hear it...yet she just went along, being someone else. So dumb.
If you haven't heard this craptastic song, I recommend you download it (illegally of course) -"You're the only one"- just so you have the pleasure of deleting it.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Insanity and the City

So I'm back from NYC and am actually starting to a feel a little bit rested up. It was a really great trip, but unfortunately, no apartment. Since we decided this trip was just preliminary, we will be back again in a few weeks for the real deal. Can you feel the pressure radiating off of me? Aside from having no luck with apartments, my love for NYC was definitely reaffirmed. What an awesome place. We decided we will be calling the West Village "home" (hopefully) after spending a few days wandering aimlessly through it. We were so lucky that we had this awesome penthouse to stay in while we were there, which definitely made the trip feel more like a vacation. We also ended up meeting some new friends at this random bar one night. Its funny how when you think its just going to be a quiet find yourself laughing it up with some new friends at 5am. A nice surprise.

In other news, "Laura the freak magnet" strikes again.
For those of you who don't know, I seem to attract all kinds of weirdos, and I dont mean like guy weirdos, just weirdos in general. Maybe I am too nice to people, I dont know, but for some reason this always happens to me. The case today is from a lady I have been emailing back and forth with who lives in NY. We have been emailing because she expressed interest in renting my apartment here in Orlando. Nothing weird about that....yet. Anyways, even though we have spoken through numerous emails, she still very much wants to talk to me over the phone, which I guess I could understand, but due to my schedule lately, this has been impossible. Well, she pretty much emails me everyday, so I finally said, why don't you just ask me the questions you have online...because the phone thing isnt working. I started then to realize that I dont even think she has any questions at all.

She emailed me twice just this morning so I finally responded back and told her to just sign on aol and she can just IM me her questions, etc about the apartment. So she does.......


She starts off by saying that I had been on her buddy list, but she doesn't know how or why. Umm, ok. Does she talk about the apartment? No, of course not, that would be NORMAL. She starts going on and on about this little old lady that she loves and talks to out in Queens, where she lives. So I endulge this banter and respond as much as I can, but hello, I'm at work, and she knows that. Anyways, she seriously goes on about how she wants to get this lady to move with her to FL and how this lady thinks shes great, blah blah blah. Then she proceeds to tell me that she is really interested in a 2 bedroom. WHAT THE FUCK. So I ask her "Umm, you know my apartment is a 1 bedroom right?". She responds with "Of course". HUH? Of Course? So anyways, she finally comes around and says, "well im sure you are busy at work, so can you call me later tonight to talk?". Ok, at this point I am getting that queasy feeling like she is a total nutbar. I pipe in and say "I dont mean to be rude, but if you arent interested in my apartment, then why do you want me to call you?". She responds, "To talk about FL and stuff. I feel like you are my little sister". Ohhhh my God, honestly? So then she totally ignores the fact that I said that I am busy and need to go and keeps on talking about how I would love this little old lady and other pointless crap like how far she lives from her mailbox. So finally I said, as nicely as I could, that I dont want to tell her Im going to call her because my schedule is really busy these days, but if she would like to ask me any questions about FL online, that she could send me an IM. Well she seemed happy with that I guess, and everything seemed on the verge of normal, until she closed out our conversation with:
"TTYL Sis"

Yep, so is my life. Is it wrong to drink at work?

Thursday, June 24, 2004

I'm outta here...

So I leave for NYC tonight. Am I packed? Partially. Am I well rested? Not in the slightest. Could I be anymore unprepared for this trip? It's possible, but unlikely. I dont know what it has been about this week, but it has certainly been a biotch. There hasn't been much time to do anything.

I tried packing some last night, but after one too many glasses of wine, if you held a gun to my head right now and asked me what I packed, well I would be dead because I really have no idea. So yea, that means I have to leave work early so I can go home and finish up the mess I started. In other words..this means I will leave work early, go home, take a nap, and then be left with only enough time to continue on with my haphazard packing. Ehh, who beckons.

I found this blog site called "People who deserve a beatdown" off of someone elses page and I really enjoyed reading the entries. Its funny how reading someone elses rants makes you feel like you just vented. Check it out, its good for a laugh.

In "what the hell is this world coming to" news....
There is now going to be a reality show in which people will vie for the chance to be the new lead singer of INXS. Yea. I really can't even believe that they are doing this. As if anyone can replace Michael Hutchence. I mean his voice WAS me anyways. I just can't believe that the band would agree to it. This has "MISTAKE" written all over it.

Well I think thats it for me. Ive got this nice vomit feeling in my tummy that I am trying to ignore, but which was induced by me force feeding myself fruitloops. Hopefully this sweet little feeling will be gone before my flight tonight. I should be back Monday with an interesting tale or two I hope...hopefully one that doesnt include us missing our subway stop at 2am and heading out into the Bronx where we are caught in the middle of a subway gang fight. I need a nap.

PS- Happy Birthday Brandon :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

A reality snack featuring "Outback Jack"

Well since I was trying to find anything to do that didn't involve me packing for my trip tomorrow, I stumbled across the debut of the new show "Outback Jack". I have to say, as dumb as some of these shows are, and as stupid as the plots can be, this show actually held my attention. I'm sure you all have seen the commercials for it....12 high maintenance girls get unknowingly dropped in the middle of the Australian Outback and vie for the love of "Outback Jack". First of all, this Outback Jack character seems too sweet for reality tv. I swear he was crying when he had to eliminate his first 4 girls...and he had only known them for like a day. I guess what held my interest was how awful of a time all the girls were having. Is it wrong that I found humor and joy in their complaints of bugs, showers, lack of outlets, and pretty much anything "non-mall"?

Sometimes I wonder if what these girls say is scripted or not, because some of them are just so nuts. Like this one girl they kept focusing on...I forget her name, but first of all she wasn't even pretty. If we were playing that pychology game where you hold up and picture and I tell you what I see, it would go like this:
-You hold up picture of said girl
-I respond "girl gremlin from gremlins 2!"

She kept saying the stupidest things, which of course is why they focused on her, but what made me laugh the most is when they got to have some one-on-one time with Jack. She was wearing this mini dress which just looked ridiculous to be wearing at a campsite. She sat down in front of Jack and just made this "Im really sexy, but Im a good girl" stupid face that was so transparent. Then she cuts Jack off mid-sentence to say "wait, can I do something?". He obliges, and she begins singing some song she made up with difficult lyrics such as "I flew across the world to meet you", barf. She concludes this little performance by saying "As you can see, I am a singer".

One girl actually asked where the electrical outlets were. Another said in her interview "when guys see me, they always think Im a porn star or a model". Who says these things? These couldn't possibly be the same girls we knew from gradeschool with acne and braces could they? What happened to humility?

I missed the very end of the show, so Im not sure if the gremlin was cut or not, but Im going to tune in next week with the hopes that one of them gets eaten by a gator. G'day!

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Probably more than you cared to know

Well its Day 2 of me being the only one from my department that is here. You would think this silent environment would be conducive to work. It probably would be in most cases, just not this one. All I can think of right now is sleep. Sleep and a back massage. I really have to get on of those soon because all of my old dance injuries combined with working out and whatever else I throw at my body has really taken its toll on my back. The only thing is, I dont want to pay some crazy amount. I wanted to get it done at the place I get my hair done, that is until I met the masseuse. He is a perfectly nice guy, maybe even somewhat attractive, but he gives me that weirdo vibe. It probably all started when I went to get my hair done one day. He popped in, apparently his appt. had been cancelled, and he plops down next to me and asks me if I ever had a foot massage. First thought, eww. Second thought, there is no way this guy is touching my feet. Well, before I knew it he had slipped off my shoes and was putting oil all over my feet. I have to admit it felt great, but the way he looked at me while he did it freaked me out. Then of course he went on and on about how he would give me a discount for a full body massage, blah blah. Right, not gonna happen buddy.

What is it about guys in certain positions that make me feel weird? The main ones I can think of are: gyno's (of course),dentists, and now this weird masseuse guy. Gyno's of course are obvious. Its not a paranoia thing, I would just rather have a woman do it. Now if I had to choose btw a guy gyno and a lesbian gyno.....I'd probably still choose the woman. The dentist is another one. Maybe its how close his face gets to yours while your mouth is wide open, I dont know. Just not a fan of much older men having their faces 2 inches from mine. As for the masseuse, I think (and this sounds bad, but its the truth) I would have to have a really hot guy, or a woman do it. The way I figure is, this guy is hot, and most likely has some hot girlfriend, so he doesnt need to fantasize about anything while he is massaging me.

Oh dear God, its only 1:30.
PS- I'm a dork and I found this site that I thought was pretty cool. Maybe you've already seen it, but its a search engine that only pulls from blogs. Kinda neat. TECHNORATI

Monday, June 21, 2004


Reason #4389 Why you should never dress up for a guy:

The day you do is the one day you won't see him.

Figures. Well, back to ponytails and jeans. Who says simple can't be sexy?
Don't answer that.

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.

So first I must say that the Dashboard/Get Up Kids/Thrice concert Friday night was so freaking good. Like REALLY good. We missed the opening band, but where there just in time to see the Get Up Kids who put on an impressive performance. During their performance we started seeing all of these weird punk kids all dressed in black with ultra greasy hair start to border the outside of the main floor at the House of Blues. Well we soon realized that this "preparing" was for THRICE, who was up next to perform. Now I had never heard of them, but since they were accompanying DC and Get Up Kids, I figured the music would be along the same lines. WRONG. This was straight up hard core. As the Get Up Kids were leaving the stage all of these insane kids prepared themselves to start a moshpit for the opening song from Thrice. Grrreeeat. Just what I want in an already hot and crowded place, a mosh pit. Ive never actually seen one except for tv, but thats enough to let me know that all moshpitters are insane.

Well Thrice took the stage and for about 45 minutes we were pushed from side to side as stupid mosh pit freaks ran around bumping into people like maniacs. I do have to say that Thrice did have a few really good songs, but the majority was just too heavy for me.

Then it was time for Dashboard..ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Well yea, Chris Carrabba looked more hot than I could ever imagine possible. His voice was remarkable and just everything blew me away. He kept dedicating songs and referring to some "Sophie" girl who I now secretly wish would die. He did about 22 songs, which was great, and they were from all different albums. I finally got to hear how everyone sings along at his concerts and it really was great. You could hear him perfectly over everyone and just seeing his eyes light up as we all sung his lyrics, and that smile of his, well, it was priceless.

In other musical news, if you are a lover of classical music and open to a mix of classical meets pop, I highly recommend an album by BOND called "Classified". Don't be fooled by their popstar looks, they play very well and really get into their music. For anyone who is a violin freak, like me, you will love this album. Some songs (maybe 2 or 3) are a little pop-ish for my taste, but most of the songs are a great mix. Listen to "Senorita", #12, its my favorite. I'll try and put a link up to download later.

Friday, June 18, 2004

Laura Carrabba....yea, that sounds nice

So I am sitting here, at the beginning of what is scheduled as a 3 hour conference call, and I'm about 20 minutes in and already completely bored with the speaker. He is actually probably discussing something rather interesting, I just dont have the attention span for it, at least not today.

So this girl came from NYC yesterday to check out my apartment. She came with her aunt to look at the place and I must say they just went crazy for it. She started to describe her current studio in NYC and it was an expected shock to my system. She was talking about having like less than 1 foot of counterspace, no oven,no dishwasher, 2 burners, and to top this all off...this kitchen "center" is all enclosed by these big plastic some closet. YIKES. Then again, she was living alone, and in a less than $1000 a month studio in Washington Heights. So anyways,that just got me thinking. I mean I know that my new place is going to be TOTALLY different than my place here, but now I'm starting to wonder exactly how shitty it will be. Perhaps "kitchenette behind a wall of plastic" shitty?...I hope not. It figures that I would have the nicest apartment I have ever had right before I move into what will quite possibly be the shittiest apartment I ever have. Funny how my life works, but I'm not complaining.

Tonight is the Dashboard Confessional/Get Up Kids/Thrice concert and I'm really excited. I've been listening to them (with the exception of Thrice) for a few years now, but have yet to attend a concert. Most likely I will be totally in love with Chris Carrabba again, not that it ever really stopped. How can one man be so perfect? Its kind of nice knowing what your dreams for the next week will be about.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Busy little bee

I'm pretty busy here at work so I must leave you with this sorry excuse for a post. You probably wouldn't be interested in what I have to say anyways because I have financial aid on the brain and I would just be ranting about why people should just give me money. So I'm actually doing you a favor.

Of all the characters I get Sondra? Come on! She's barely in any episodes and hearing Elvin speak makes me want to chop my arm off. There should be a "Which Keaton are you?" quiz. I bet I would be Alex. You would probably be Skippy.

You are Sondra. The family all thought you were
the smartest, until you married that dumbass
Elvin. What the hell kind of name is Elvin
anyway? You and your sorry husband eventually
move back in with your parents and make your
dad and younder siblings watch your twins.
Good to see that college education worked out
for you!

Which Cosby Kid are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Are you ready..... live in a world where Chelsea Clinton is known as "hot"?? Well I'm not. Many are debating if she had plastic sugery or not. My opinion? Who cares, she looks a lot better. So here is my very own version of hot or not, go ahead and vote, and don't be swayed by popular opinion....I have seen many people say they think she looks damn good.


Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Papa dont preach- no golf stuff this year

It's only 11am and I am already hungry. Ever since I started working out in the morning I have been ravenous all day. Plus, it doesnt help that some people start heating up their lunches here at around 10:30. I think the craving I have right now is for a Dunkin Donuts bagel with cream cheese. Yum. Thanks to my friend Sara who eats this for breakfast everyday, my lovely cereal breakfast has lost its luster.

Well it's that time of year again...Father's Day. So far, its just like every other year,because I have no idea what to get him. Why is it that when you ask a parent what they would like for a birthday or christmas, etc, that they always name something that would cost you like $6. "I could use another pair of black socks"...umm, right Dad, I don't think so. When in your adult life does one stop being greedy? If you asked me right now what I want for my birthday next year I could tell you easy peasy, and so could a lot of people I am sure. Maybe its a parent thing. Or maybe its one of those "say what you dont mean" things. Maybe they do want all kinds of stuff, but just can't bear to ask for it? I dont know. I've resulted to threats. I've gotten to the point where I have to say "Ok Mom, I'm not going to settle for the 'I dont need anything' excuse, or the 'why dont you just weed my garden, that would be nice' copout for a gift. I am going to buy you something nice, so you may as well give me an idea of what you want". My mom seems to have caught on and was all ready for us this past Mother's Day. My father however, is taking baby steps, but steps nonetheless. I actually think he is just terrified at the thought of receiving anything "golf" again. This year he said he could use some new cologne. Ok, finally something I can get. Or can I? What the heck do I know about men's cologne? I know there are a couple of colognes I like, one in particular, but thats because it reminds me of a certain guy....and I definitely don't want my dad wearing a scent that reminds me of sex. Wow, that thought solved my hunger problem.

Anyways, if any of you have any suggestions on a nice cologne for a dad, please share. I don't want to show up at the mall not knowing what the heck I am looking for and walk out with a $100 bottle of something that smells like Windex. As soon as I walk in and the salesperson asks what I am looking for and I say "I'm not sure"...its all over.

Monday, June 14, 2004

Trying to catch up

Pardon me for being completely out of date with respect to movies, but this past week I was finally able to see two movies I had wanted to see for a while: Mystic River and Lost in Translation. First I saw Lost in Translation and I must say it was quite enjoyable. Even though no real plot was apparent in my eyes, it left me with an overall good feeling. A very serene feeling. I can't explain it. Next it was on to Mystic River. Now despite the great acting I was kind of disappointed with the ending. I dont know what I expected, and I'm not upset that it wasn't some fairy tale little happy ending, it just felt like it shouldn't have been over yet. Is it weird that I find Sean Penn hot? I think its the whole "bad boy with power" thing.

For anyone more in line with current movies, for what its worth, my sister saw Saved and said it was funny. My mom saw Stepford Wives and said it was a clear disappointment. I still don't understand why the would try to make it comedic. I think I'll skip the new one and rent the original.

As far as upcoming movies, I think The Notebook (shut up Brian),The Terminal, Napoleon Dynamite, and Garden State, might be the only reasons I make it out to the theatre this summer.

Also, in an effort to become more cinematically aware, I have compiled a list of movies that I would like to see, as many have slated them as "classics". They are as follows:

The Graduate
Clockwork Orange
Lawrence of Arabia (my dad would be so proud)
An Affair to Remember
Dr. Zhivago
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Annie Hall
Fiddler on the Roof

If you care to suggest another along these lines (no,I could care less about the Matrix), feel free.

Friday, June 11, 2004

Don't Mess With My Animals

Well this one is for all you folks who have ever made fun of anyone who talks to their dogs or for any of you who have ever said that dogs are, dare I say, "stupid". This little article will have your foot where it belongs, in your mouth.

According to recent studies, dogs can in fact understand human language. Just like I always knew they could. Its really surprising to me that a lot of people still dont believe in the intelligence of canines. Havent you people seen that show "Amazing Pets"? I mean could a dog really not have a very developed brain and still see someone hurt and then run and get help? I dont think so. Well Im not going to argue the rest of these points because you can just read the article (and because Im lazy).

In other animal news, this biatch is being put on a bread and water restriction in addition to her 30 day sentence for animal abuse on her 2 horses. These poor things were left unfed and unsheltered for 4 months behind this lady's trailerhome. Seriously, people are insane. The article reads that she is serving her 30 days on the weekends so she can take care of her 3 kids. I dont know about you, but I really dont think that people that abuse animals should be able to have kids. I mean where is the line drawn in their eyes on what is ok or not ok to abuse? I completely agree with this Judge's ruling of "bread and water for 3 days". Ive always thought that an eye for an eye punishment is much more effective than sticking them in some cell where they eat up taxpayers money and come out with degrees and a savings fund. Did you know that some are getting flat screen tv's in their cells? I dont even have a flat screen tv! Ok, Im getting off topic now.
Anyways, I think this 30 days sentence is easy peasy for her, and 3 days on bread and water is more than those horses got. The article mentioned that one of the horses had developed what is called "rain rot" on its hooves which made it difficult to stand. I say screw the bread and water for 3 days and make her stand in some nasty backyard until she gets rain rot on one of her feet. Sounds fair to me. What?

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Time to move on

Remember back in highschool when the whole "I'm a gangsta" thing was, well, somewhat cool? Well I guess depending on when you went to highschool it differs, but lets just go by my highschool years (94-98). Now I have to clarify that this whole "thug" phase isn't just referring to people who listen to rap or whatever. What I'm talking about is the whole attitude of the phase.

I havent really given it much thought until recently, but this whole genre of people (mostly guys) doesnt seem to be as prominent as it use to be. At least not with normal people, and by normal I mean "non-famous" people. The few normies that are still left around carrying the thug 'tude with them seem to me like more of the butt of jokes than intimidating characters.

So you are probably wondering what I think this thug attitude is comprised of. If not, Im going to tell you anyway. I give you..

"Laura's list of thug/gangsta tendencies that she will never understand"

-The obvious--- the low hanging pants that show the boxers. Now I can understand that everyone wants to be comfortable, but when you have to walk holding your ass just so your jeans dont fall, well thats just silly.

-The walk---Have you ever noticed how some of these gangsta wannabes walk? Well it seems to be a cross between a very slow pace and a one leg limp. They seem to walk with a pop or something, like one leg is bothering them so they just drag it along and pop up on the other one. Why? Because its cool of course!

-The car---Believe it or not there are still people out there with suped up Dodge Neons. Im not talking "Fast and Furious" upgrades, Im talking more along the lines of cheap shiny rims and some pointless motto written across the top of their windshield like "Baby Momma".

-The driver---Ok, picture it, youre at a stoplight and you casually glance over to the car to the right of you. When suddenly you realize, there is no one driving the car. Well surprise surprise there is, he/she is just sitting in the back seat stretching his/her arms to reach the wheel. So when did pushing the drivers seat that far back while driving become cool? The answer is never. You people are retarded. And dont say you have long legs, my friend is 6'5 and Ive never seen him have to sit like that.

-The grammar---So I do enjoy a lot of rap artists, despite the stupid grammatical atrocities they seem to enduce. However, when people start to use these new phrases in their everyday lives, well thats when I have to draw the line. I see kids using words like "da" instead of "the" and just generally butchering every word they write on purpose. Would they dare speak like that for general conversations? Of course not, because in their eyes THAT is dumb......umm, ok.

So here is my PSA to all of you out there who still think that this is cool: It's not. It's done, and the only people that are still semi cool that do this are stars. Don't worry, another trend will come along soon enough that you can be a part of, because, God forbid, you just be yourself.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

2 clicks away from a straightjacket

You know those little stressballs people keep at work? Yea I could use about 450 of them right now. I have been looking for decent airfare from Orlando to NYC for the end of this month and the whole process makes me want to rip something apart. I was overloaded with shitty fares yesterday so I waited another day. To my surprise, I found RT airfare for $140 but by the time I hit the "submit/pay" button, the fare had changed. It would be one thing if this had only happened once, but it has happened to me THREE times just today. My flight times are kind of strictly set so I know I shouldn't expect much, but thats never stopped me before. The part that drives me mad is that its all this one Delta flight. No matter what site I am on, and trust me I have been on every site there is, its the same Delta flight that I am trying to get. I even tried calling Delta to see if they could work out something for me. Riiight. The lady tried to tell me that the current lowest market rate for my trip is $230 RT. Thats bullshit lady, there are about 20 other sites that have fares falsifying that statement.

The worst part is that I am now on this crazy mission to obtain this prized flight at the lowest possible fare, even if it is in exchange for my sanity. Its not that I am cheap, its just that this is game to me now that I have to win. Now that I have seen some fares in the $140 range I cant bring myself to buy the $170++ tickets, even though I know they will soon disappear. Its a sick addiction. Adam told me I better buy the $170 tickets while I can, and I gave him my whole "it might go lower" speech. Twenty minutes later I am now staring at fares in the $190 range. Somebody shoot me.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Clue me in

I dont watch ER religiously, but its one of those shows that you can turn on and pretty much always get a good episode. I read this morning that the actress who plays Dr. Corday was not resigned to her contract after 7 years I think. Apparently she was told that she is one of the older "uninteresting" characters. As much as I like the new younger characters, they could never replace the original cast who kept dropping like flies over the years. After this the only person I will even recognize from the "beginning" will be Noah Wyle. I'm not quite sure why producers assume that everyone wants a younger cast. Their excuse is that "older characters arent as interesting". Umm, pardon me but don't we have writers that make these characters "interesting". Sounds like a lame excuse. When they decide to get rid of Dr. Carter, I think it will be time to boycott.

On a different note...somebody clue me in here. When I go to the gym I always see men lift weights, but not just regular amounts of weights. These guys load up the weights so much that they can only do like one lift/movement/whatever. I dont get this, yet I see it all the time. Like this morning, I watched this guy get on this ab machine. He set the weight bar to like 125. Then he struggled with all his might to do one crunch, with the weights barely lifting. He found it in himself to do 2 more crunches and then got off the machine looking all satisfied with himself. Ok, why do you guys do that? It cant help you very much, even if it is a gazillion pounds--its still 3 crunches. Its funny because guys and girls seem to have totally different work out styles, so I have seen anyways. The girls seem highly motivated, hopping from one machine to the next never really pausing but to grab some water. The guys on the other hand do a set or 2 on the machines, then they sit there and meditate for 20 minutes watching the tv or just looking around. I guess it will forever be a mystery to me. I dont know about anyone else, but I am all about getting in, working out, and getting out. I can watch TV at home.

Monday, June 07, 2004

That's what I'm talking about

I think the girl has gone crazy
J Lo is married, again. Has this woman lost it? I mean I know that 3 marriages seems to be no big deal these days, but just a few months after the Ben fiasco? Not to mention, just 3 days after Marc Anthony's divorce was final. $30 says it wont last more than 13 months.

CNN: When was the last time you saw an empty seat on a plane? With airfares at record lows, airlines are packing in as many passengers as possible on each flight this summer in the hope of just breaking even.
Ok I'm really interested in knowing where these "record low" prices are because I have been checking like crazy for about 4 months and the prices are by no means low. I got quoted $300 for a flight from Orlando to NYC yesterday, thats insane, Ive never paid more than $160 for a RT ticket there. My guess is that these record low prices are from big cities to places in Montana or the Dakotas. Yep, not of much use to me, or probably 95% of the population.

Poor little Lakers
Woohoo, the Pistons have taken the first game of the NBA finals. What a nice shock to the Laker's system. I know its still early, but Im hoping this keeps up. The possibility of Shaq crying is far too exiciting.

May he rest in peace
So I was watching this tribute to Ronald Reagan on Saturday night and I couldn't help but notice that many of his criticisms while in office are remarkably similar to what many critcize Bush for. I'm not trying to start some political debate, so don't comment on why you think I'm wrong. My point of saying this is simply that even though you may not like him, even though you may not have voted for him, he is still the President of the country that you take pride in, and for that at the very least, he deserves your respect for the tremendous privilege/burden that he lives with every day.

Friday, June 04, 2004

It's a Wonderful Life

So I am 25 today, and its really not as freaky as I had previously thought a few years ago. I use to think, "holy crap, 25! If I dont have a boyfriend and a career, etc by then, that wil be awful!". Sooo not the case at all. I think it could very well be the best year of my life thats coming up. Its amazing to think that 1/4 of my life has already been lived, and for a second it seems like there is not much left...but then I think about all of the amazing things I have experienced and all of the wonderful people I have met, just in these 25 years. I realize that its just the beginning, and that some of the best things life can bring- marriage, children, new friends--is just around the corner.

I have always been keen on never settling, for anything- love, career, success. I think everyone needs to understand that we all deserve the best. We all deserve to be in love, like REALLY in love, and with someone who loves you back. We all deserve a job that makes us get out of bed in the morning with enthusiasm, not dread. Most of all, we deserve to be happy and fulfilled in our lives. Its all in our hands, every bit of it.

I'll leave you with a few of my favorite quotes on life. Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes and have a great weekend :)

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

Mahatma Gandhi

"There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as if everything is."

Albert Einstein

“And in the end, it's not the years in your life
that count. It's the life in your years.”

Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, June 03, 2004


- Why would Keira Knightley get a lip job- was she not beautiful enough before?

- Why would a Naked Man Bathe in a Carwash?

- Why does that commercial for Denny's "Denver Scramble" always make me want to vomit?

- Why did CIA Director George Tenet resign? "Personal reasons" my ass.

- Why does all of young Hollywood appear to be attracted to "Fez" from That 70's show? (dating list includes Jennifer Love Hewitt, Mandy Moore, Jessica Alba, and now Lindsay Lohan)

- Why is it that when you tell people you arent dating anyone, they say "oh, it will be ok" - like its tearing you apart?

- Why am I the only person addicted to Shredded Mini Wheat cereal?

- Why is it you always see hot girls with "ok" or nasty guys (Kid Rock and Pam Anderson, Shannon Elizabeth and her hubby, Kate Hudson and hubby, etc)--but you never see a hot guy with an "ok" or nasty girl?

- Why did one of my roommates in college make cheesy noodles (just cheese melted on plain noodles) everyday for lunch and how did she not get sick of it?

- Why do I only want Chik-fil-a on Sundays when its closed?

- Why did I have to see that billboard where little chicks are standing in a line below a sign that reads "We are not nuggets!"? :(

- Why does every second of this morning feel like an hour?

Ok, I'll stop now, but feel free to add your own.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004


Well I must say, it was a very nice night. He was just as cool as he had been at work and we really had a good time together. The restaurant was fantastic and of course the movie (Troy) was really good as well- although now I cant stop thinking about Brad Pitt. A body like his seems almost unhuman. Oh also-- no girlfriend, they broke up in February. I believe I can best sum up the night with him saying "I was shocked when you asked me out, but I'm really glad you did". I had never asked out a guy in my life. What made me do it this time? No idea...but it sure worked out nicely. A perfect way to start out my birthday week.

On another note, I'm pretty annoyed by all of this talk about Prince Charles being urged to marry Camilla. I dont so much care about that as much as I think it is in completely poor taste that the former Archbishop of Canterbury has been quoted as describing the late Princess Diana as "cunning and fallible". Everyone knows that Charles cheated on Diana,and vice versa, and most people know what it feels like to be hurt like that. Now imagine that- except that the whole world knows. I cant even fathom how that must have felt, yet only Diana always comes out of this looking like she was "the problem" in the Royal Family. Aren't we done with this by now? Why cant we just leave her alone? If Charles wants to marry Camilla then fine, whatever, the 2 bastards deserve each other, but lets leave Diana where she belongs--at peace.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

What a weekend...

Ok, so I am back from what was a very fun and very exhausting road trip. Six states in 2 days will wear you out! We left Chicago mid afternoon on Saturday and made it back into Melbourne Sunday night at around 8:30 --not bad at all. The first day we completely killed ourselves driving from Illinois to GA, and not stopping until 3am. We took the Chattanooga, Tenn exit hoping to find a hotel room, but came to find out every freaking hotel was full. "No Vacancy" signs adorned every lobby door. What the hell could be happening in Chattanooga that every room was full? I mean we knew it was Memorial Day weekend, but still, Chattanooga? We came across a hotel that had an empty parking lot, so we figured we were good and went into the lobby where we met Freak #67 of our trip. I dont know if this guy was slow or just nuts, but either way we were too tired to listen to him. He told us they didnt have a room but a place one exit up did. Ann spoke with the lady from that hotel on the phone while I had to sit and listen to a lecture from him on why I should be a Chicago Bears fan. Listen buddy, its 3am, Im tired and I could care less about the stupid Bears, just give me a freaking room. He had all kinds of questions for me too--why were we leaving Chicago, why was Ann moving back to FL, was she "doing this on purpose"? What the heck does that mean? After Ann got off the phone she asked for a piece of paper to write down that other hotels phone number on--where he then replied with " girls got a cell phone?- because you cant pull over off the interstate and make a call". No shit. What a nutbar. He then wanted to give us direction to the hotel even though we had them already from the lady. He told us to go back where we came for one exit, and then he said to make a left here and a right there, etc etc. Since the lady said the hotel was right off the exit we had no idea where this guy was trying to send us, probably to some shack where him and his cousin would jump us. Well we walked out of there and decided there was no way we were listening to his directions, and just decided to keep going until we hit GA. We got back on the road after stopping at a "weigh station" in which we saw truckers walking around in their full flannel pj's-- and they looked a little too exicted to see 2 youngs girls pull up. We decided we would rather get a ticket than weigh our truck with these characters around (keep in mind its now 3am), so we kept on trucking. We finally crossed the Tenn/Ga state line and found a place pretty easily. We slept for like 6 hours and then got back on the road. The rest of the trip was a breeze. 23 hours total. I swear if we saw one more field of corn we were going to lose it. God Bless Florida.

On another note, for those of you who seem interested....
Much to my surprise, the guy from work txt msgmd me on Sunday while we were on the road asking if I had plans for the day. So I called him back and we chatted for a few. Now, back in the office today,we chatted a bit, and he is taking me to this really nice Hawaiian Fusion restaurant and then to a movie....Tonight. Yikes. It was suppose to be for Thursday, but we figured why not tonight? So yeah, Im a little freaked, but excited. I am assuming this is now considered not just 2 co-workers going to dinner, but an actual date...I could be wrong though. And yes, I still dont know if he has a gf still(back in February he did)--but I would like to assume no. I figure there is no point in asking until the situation turns "romantic".

I'm going in with no expectations so I cant lose right? Anyways, Ill update tomorrow on how it goes.