Monday, May 17, 2004

Sucks to be you

Well I'm sure you all may or may not have read about the guy who took naked pics of his girlfriend with his cell phone and was jailed for it. The guy apparently took naked pics of his 17 year old girlfriend and then posted them on the internet. Ok, so the picture taking I guess I can understand. Posting on the internet- uh uh. What makes this little story even more fun is that the girl is 17 and the guy is 20, so the minute he posted the pics on the internet he was dabbling in child pornography. What a dumbass.

So now he is jailed for 6 months and then after he is released, he is banned from using a cell phone or computer for 2 YEARS. Can you imagine that? I mean not everyone is a nerd like me who lives and breathes computers, but a cell phone too? Why cant he just have one that doesnt have picture taking abilities? How do they monitor this anyways? What about school, doesnt he need a computer for that? Sounds to me like he is screwed.

All of this of course brings me to my pondering of the day:
If you had to be banned for 2 yrs from either a cellphone or a computer- which would you choose?

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