Friday, February 27, 2004

Bock vs. Brown- More Da Vinci Code Drama

Well, I knew it was coming. A response to Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code". Darrell Bock, PH.D. has written a response to this book and has entitled it "Breaking the Da Vinci Code". Of course they are having a lot of fun in court due to the similarity of the titles, but thats a whole other issue.

Im not sure how many of you have read The Da Vinci code, but I did and I thought it was amazing. Well tons of people have blasted it for this that and the other. Anyways, the main point of controversy is that this book claims that Jesus was in fact married to Mary Magdalene and they had a child. Ok, so first of all, why is everyone getting pissed? Does it really change anything if he was married? Does it change his message or his mission? Not at all. Then of course there is the argument that, since it doesnt say that he was married in the Bible, then it is in no way true. Yet we continue to uncover new truths as time goes on. It was only 57 years ago that the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, which have now been named by many as the archaeological discovery with greatest biblical impact. Were there people 60 years ago that would have thought something like the Dead Sea Scrolls don't exist? Of course...everyones so skeptical of anything that isnt written in the Bible--something that his been translated and interpreted differently for thousands of years.

Anyways, Im off track. When I was reading about this new guy "breaking" the Da Vinci code, I was pretty interested in what he would use to combat Dan Brown's book. Well, to my disappointment, when asked why he wrote the book this was his response:

"All I wanted to do is put the record in front of people," said Bock, a New Testament scholar at the Dallas Theological Seminary. "It isn't that I don't think Jesus was married. It is just that most everybody doesn't think that Jesus was married."

What? First of all...I'm not even sure what he is trying to say here. "Well its not that its just me that doesnt think he was married, but not many others do too". This is his reasoning? --Yea I'll be sure to pick that one up-dumb.

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