Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Coming around 3rd....almost home

So I made it. It's finally Wednesday and I have one more final to take tonight before I can mark myself down for one MBA semester under my belt. I can't believe I get to do this all over again next semester while working full-time. Lord help me.

I have definitely reached that "screw it" point in studying when you know you have studied as much as you can and even though you have 2 more hours before the final anything you do from here on out will only be detrimental. So to me, now its just the formality of actually taking the test. Note to self for next semester- do not organize a study group and give them your HOME number. I have now had 4 calls today from people with statistics questions. Im not the professor people, while I am willing to help of course, don't call my home at 8am and start asking me questions like its nothing (yes, that did actually happen and no I was not already awake).

I was telling my dad last night to picture a piece of rope on fire, with about 1/2 of a centimeter left before it completely burns out. Then I told him that rope was me. I think if I had to do one more day of school crap I would lose it.

On a good note though,
1)my hair is cut and dyed so I am feeling all sassy, which is nice
2)I found a cute cardigan and skirt on sale
3)There may be a Chris Carrabba look alike roaming the streets of NYC- thanks Heather!
4)and Im going home tomorrow to Florida to see my dog and my family--woooohooooo!!!

If Im not posting for the next couple of days, have a great weekend :)

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