Thursday, November 17, 2005

There are no words

Kimberly Stewart to Marry Laguna Beach Hunk

Ok, so who am I kidding, I have about a thousand words for something like this:
and the list goes on...
Courtesy of People Magazine's article online (and my sister Lisa, queen of celeb gossip), unfortunately this is all true. First of all, she's 26 and he's 19- strange, but not like it's never happened before. Second, they have been dating for a whole 2 months, woohoo, it must be SERIOUS. What the hell is going on here? Shouldn't he still have a crush on Kristen or that other chick with the blonde hair? What are his parent's thinking? The questions are endless. Don't worry though, one of his friend's was quoted describing the crazy love that has prompted this engagement by saying, "He told me he really likes her and they're having a good time." Wow, that's probably what my 5th grade boyfriend said when we were going out. I can't wait to see how this one plays out.
ps- If Kristen or LC gets engaged to Jake Gyllenhaal I will have to take them out.

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