Tuesday, April 13, 2004

I'm not at work and you are

So I made my weekly call to Fordham today and the story of the moment is:
"We expect a decision sometime this week". Sure you do. What's taking so long? I dont have any experience in applying to B-schools, but I would think that they would have made a decision 5 weeks after my interview. I guess Im thinking of it more as them sitting there deliberating whether or not I am getting in, when in all actuality my file is probably just sitting in some stack of 500 files waiting to be gone through.

On a brighter note, I'm off work today, woohoo! I went in this morning and when I tried to pass through security my ID card didnt clear. So I didnt think much of it, but when I tried to log in to the network and I got "access denied" then I knew something was up. All of the sudden I flash 100 thoughts in my head thinking, oh my god, what if they found the blog, or what if Im browsing too many sites, etc, etc. Well it turns out that my old contractor end date was somehow never removed from the system so it has me as no longer with the company. The people that need to rectify this are based in Cali so they wouldnt even be in until around 12 our time. So my boss said to just take a paid day off. Fine by me!

Now there is a battle going on in my head between Productive Laura and Lazy Laura. PL wants to get some packing done now, run some errands, go the gym, and clean the apartment. However, LL wants to just rent a movie and order in lunch. Ehh, I dont know.

Every night when I pack up more of my apartment it leads to a whole new series of findings which always ends up with me just sprawled out on the floor reminiscing rather than packing. For instance, heres some stuff I found last night:

-an old highschool project on "Great Expectations" - dont ask why I saved it, who knows
-Brandon's ratty old sleeping bag
-Brian's social security number
-a vhs tape that I had never seen of my trip to Europe in 2000 -that was about 2 hr detour from packing
-rules on how to play the Cosby drinking game
-the September 11th issue of the Orlando Sentinel
-freaking 800,000 mardi gras beads
- 2 cans of beta fish food- I dont have a fish
-and of course the old computer game "F-18 No Fly Zone" on a floppy disk- yea i said "floppy"

I wonder what tonights dig will uncover.

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