Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Dating for Dummies

As if I needed one more weird/uncertain/random thing in my life, now I have to somehow respond to this:


I don't know if you remember me I showed you my in-laws sofa.I know we just met and you don't have to answer if you don't want . I was wondering if you are dating anyone or if you where looking to date anyone. The reason I ask I have a friend of mine I would like to help him fine someone because he is such a cute, sweet and wonderful guy. And he has been looking for a while. Hope to talk to you soon

Yea. So there is the board at work for people selling stuff and this lady was on it selling her inlaws couch. So a few weeks ago I went and met the lady to look at the couch. Long story short - I didn't buy the couch and I thought I would never see/hear from her again (we work in different buildings). Then I get this email. I guess I should be flattered or whatever, but I am drawing a complete blank as to how to respond. I'm not seeing anyone right now, and to be honest I dont know if Im all that interested in dating anyone- I was just planning on a drunken summer with my friends. Ok ok, Im ahead of myself again. How should I respond? Should I really just not take the chance that this could be a really great guy? I mean with my luck, he is probably gross, or if hes not gross he's some kind of nut- (flashback to Bulgarian dude who just talked about getting drunk 24/7)- oh yea, there have been some winners. The "looking for a while" part of the letter kind of freaks me out because I have never been one to go out searching for Mr. Right, nor do I think that a man would "complete me" and all that nonsense. Has this guy been actively searching with no luck or is this just a wording mistake on her part?

So I dont know. Ive never been a fan of the blind date idea- but I'm almost 25 and I'm starting to think I may not have the luxury of passing up the possibility of a "cute, sweet, wonderful" guy. ugh- no clue what to do. Ideas?

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