Friday, April 30, 2004

Cue the anxiety

*I just got off the phone with Fordham and for once, was given a different answer. I was told a decision HAS been made and will be mailed out today. Glory Glory Hallelujah! So I am guessing from Nyc to Orlando, maybe I will get it Monday or Tuesday- perfectly marking the 11th week I've been waiting since I submitted my application. Now I am actually kind of regretful that you all know about this because if I dont get in that would be a really sucky post. Thank god I will be home for the whole weekend--far far away from my mailbox.

*Alright. Enough is enough. Today again, like many times before, I was in an elevator with a terribly good looking guy with absolutely nothing to say to him. I am definitely flirting impaired. I dont understand how some people do it, but when I try I feel like it "looks" like I am trying. All I had to say is "that's a nice suit", or any other sentence in the english language. I dont know why i get so intimidated. Next time I am in the situation and I dont say something, I'm going to have to start putting $5 in a jar or something, maybe that way I will learn to get some balls.

*Anyone who was concerned about the dog that I mentioned in a previous post that a neighbor kept tied up outside my building, will be happy to know that he was outside yesterday with a new and longer leash, woohoo!

*Oh Great- If someone searches for "Lindsay Lohan Haircolor" on my site comes up on the first page. I never liked this girl to start with, but after seeing her "Diary" on MTV- it was confirmed that she is a full-fledged snot.

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