Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The skinny on NYC

Well it's official, CNN just reported that New York is now the first city in the nation to ban artificial trans fats in restaurant food. Trans fats are said to be harmful because they contribute to heart disease by raising bad cholesterol. Apparently, they also decrease "good cholesterol". Because of this, some experts say that makes trans fats worse than saturated fats.

Anywho, the main question is, when I order my quarter pounder w/ cheese and fries from McDonald's, will it still taste the same? Let's hope so. I've read that the larger chains have been toiling around with alternate oil blends, but are yet to comment on any of them. Who cares about the chains really though? Most of the best places I have eaten at in the city have nothing to do with chains. Not sure how my favorite soul food places will fare with the new regulations on who they prepare their fried chicken, but here's to hoping.

Speaking of chains, isnt it just lovely about the Ecoli breakout from the Taco Bell restaurants in New Jersey? Ick. I use to LOVE Taco Bell. In pretty much every place I lived, except in my current apartment, there has always been a Taco Bell within either a 5 minute walk/drive. This love of Taco Bell continued until this past summer when I had my first encounter with food poisoning. Yep, you guessed it, from the lovely Taco Bell. I couldn't eat anything for four days, had a 101 temp, and basically force-fed myself a cracker every now and then. All I did was lay in bed and curse Taco Bell. I've only had Taco Bell one time since and it was a bean burrito, I figured how much could they screw that up? Its amazing what you rationalize when you're hungry.

This e-coli outbreak is definitely enough to hold be back from any other Taco Bell purchases for a while....unless I am in Florida, because what are the chances? Then again, Florida was also the place that after a few years of eating at this great chinese buffet there was an article in the paper that the board of health found cats in their freezer. But that's a story for another day.


David Belton said...

A friend and I both similarly got poisoned from 2 DIFFERENT taco bells here in central NC over the weekend. I don't believe that this is an isolated event. I'm still recovering.

Laura said...

OK. That might be enough to scare me out of Taco Bell as a whole. Hard to believe it isnt related....very suspicious.

Totsie said...

Hey! I thought I would check in on you again and I see that you're back, and in a new space!

I got food poisoning last year from all things...a strawberry. Not a restaurant strawberry either but the supermarket! I learned the hard way that cleaning my fruit involves more than moving it back and forth under the tap a couple of times.

Happy to see you posting!