Friday, October 29, 2004

I wish I had 2 more midterms to take!....oh wait

Only two midterms down with two more to go and my attention span is zilch today. I just cant bring myself to study, at all. You'd be amazed at the stuff I have done today just so I wouldnt have to study. Hopefully overnight I will magically transform into a motivated student again.

So you want to know why my mom is so wonderful? Well she knows that you are never too young to enjoy surprise treats...hence this box of Halloween goodies I received today from her, hooray!

Oh and one more thing...maybe you fellow New Yorkers can help me out with this....
What the HELL is up with this MNN3 channel??? I saw about 10 minutes of someones weird show called "Pancakes" on there, and thats all I could take, I had to change the channel. (I'm assuming its a NY thing because I had this channel back before I got real cable when I first moved here). The subject matter was deeply disturbing. In the 10 minutes I was watching, the following ensued:

-use of the word "fuck" about 10000000 times
-some girl (whoevers show it is) ,who obviously has a self esteem problem, yelling about a Victoria Secret catalog and how they all looked like they got raped (yea, makes no sense)
-then she decided to show a pic of a mutilated woman in a garbage can
-then it cut to a scene of her in her living room, wearing a gas mask, holding a strawberry shortkake doll in one hand, and a massive knife in the other

I kid you not, that was all on there. How do these people get on air? Who are the crazies that think this is TV worthy? Someone please enlighten me...

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