Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Tension and Stress- Day 2

Have any of you ever had a tension headache? Well, I had one for the first time yesterday and I still have it partially today. I am no stranger to migraines, but this one seems way worse because no medication helped. Not to mention anything I ate made me want to throw it back up. So why was I so tense? One word...Janet. Little Miss Priss Janet of Boston. The bitch who didnt call me back about the apartment, so I freaking sat all day waiting, like an idiot. She finally called at like 9pm (after I called her a billion times). However she left a message. I just called her from my cell and she returned my call at my home number. Like that doesnt have avoidance written all over it. She actually proceeds to tell me that she just cant rent because she cant afford to throw her money away and not get anything back for it in return. Well wouldnt that have been nice to know TWO MONTHS AGO. Ugh. I was really avoiding try to be mean to her, for Karma's sake, so its probably a good idea I wasnt home to get that call. If you want a recap of my night, it can be summed up in this away msg I had last night that seemed to get a large reaction, even though my only intention was to vent:

Janet of Boston, thanks to you and your "Im too busy to call Laura back" self, I am at UCF posting flyers everywhere hoping someone will take my apartment. Not to mention I am doing this with the worst migraine ever (caused by you).Youve made my life hell for 3 days and I hope you burn in the fires of hell.



Yea I spent 2 hours walking around the university in 90 degree muggyness putting fliers up everywhere. This is what it has come to.

Raise your hand if you think Laura has lost her marbles. Ok, too many to count. I promise once this apartment thing is taken care of I will return to my usual running through a field of daisies self.

On a positive note. IPOD = PURCHASED. yay! Thanks to Tamie I started looking at the regular vs the mini. I realized I was being stupid because I just wanted the mini because it was blue. Turns out, my company partners with Apple and I ended up getting a 10gb one for $199- woohoo. Let the transferring of illegal mp3's commence.

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