I havent really given it much thought until recently, but this whole genre of people (mostly guys) doesnt seem to be as prominent as it use to be. At least not with normal people, and by normal I mean "non-famous" people. The few normies that are still left around carrying the thug 'tude with them seem to me like more of the butt of jokes than intimidating characters.
So you are probably wondering what I think this thug attitude is comprised of. If not, Im going to tell you anyway. I give you..
-The obvious--- the low hanging pants that show the boxers. Now I can understand that everyone wants to be comfortable, but when you have to walk holding your ass just so your jeans dont fall, well thats just silly.
-The walk---Have you ever noticed how some of these gangsta wannabes walk? Well it seems to be a cross between a very slow pace and a one leg limp. They seem to walk with a pop or something, like one leg is bothering them so they just drag it along and pop up on the other one. Why? Because its cool of course!
-The car---Believe it or not there are still people out there with suped up Dodge Neons. Im not talking "Fast and Furious" upgrades, Im talking more along the lines of cheap shiny rims and some pointless motto written across the top of their windshield like "Baby Momma".
-The driver---Ok, picture it, youre at a stoplight and you casually glance over to the car to the right of you. When suddenly you realize, there is no one driving the car. Well surprise surprise there is, he/she is just sitting in the back seat stretching his/her arms to reach the wheel. So when did pushing the drivers seat that far back while driving become cool? The answer is never. You people are retarded. And dont say you have long legs, my friend is 6'5 and Ive never seen him have to sit like that.
-The grammar---So I do enjoy a lot of rap artists, despite the stupid grammatical atrocities they seem to enduce. However, when people start to use these new phrases in their everyday lives, well thats when I have to draw the line. I see kids using words like "da" instead of "the" and just generally butchering every word they write on purpose. Would they dare speak like that for general conversations? Of course not, because in their eyes THAT is dumb......umm, ok.
So here is my PSA to all of you out there who still think that this is cool: It's not. It's done, and the only people that are still semi cool that do this are stars. Don't worry, another trend will come along soon enough that you can be a part of, because, God forbid, you just be yourself.
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