Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Just when you thought you were more bored than I've been

I have to say first, that I have a great job with a great company, and I really do love it, but when you are the only IT person in the Marketing department, and no one questions or even understands what you do, well you can get pretty mischievious.

I also use to work in the web department of a university, which saw very little action and definitely a job where you got that "dear God, I can't take another hour" feeling, quite often.

Here are a few things, the university job included, that I have done to stay busy at work:

*gone through every, yes EVERY link on www.bored.com

*made multiple lists at various times: packing lists, shopping lists, my favorite movies lists, etc.

*reorganized my entire financial savings plan

*balanced my checkbook

*had 2 or 3 hour long IM sessions with friends

*blogged, and blogged, and blogged some more

*done my homework

*wandered all around campus while my boss was in a meeting

*done butt flexes at my desk

*wrote the basis of all three of my MBA application essays while in a "meeting"

*searched for: new apartments, airline tickets....yada yada yada

*planned out all my dinners for the week

*yesterday, made a list for Brian, of all my favorite postings on his blog.

*timed exactly how long it takes for a piece of trident gum to lose all flavor (roughly 6 minutes)

*planned exactly how I would seduce Christian Bale, if I ever had the chance, and if I looked like Heidi Klum

The funny thing about all this is that I'm a really good worker. I guess I just get my stuff done fast or something, I don't know. I know that most of you are in this same position, so what have you done to keep from falling asleep?

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