So I just got a call from my best friend in Georgia asking me about the new reality show on the WB that is taking place at UCF- where I use to go to school. Ummm, I had no idea what she was talking about so I looked it up and sure enough...its true.
Check it out,11116,205734,00.html
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Coming around 3rd....almost home
So I made it. It's finally Wednesday and I have one more final to take tonight before I can mark myself down for one MBA semester under my belt. I can't believe I get to do this all over again next semester while working full-time. Lord help me.
I have definitely reached that "screw it" point in studying when you know you have studied as much as you can and even though you have 2 more hours before the final anything you do from here on out will only be detrimental. So to me, now its just the formality of actually taking the test. Note to self for next semester- do not organize a study group and give them your HOME number. I have now had 4 calls today from people with statistics questions. Im not the professor people, while I am willing to help of course, don't call my home at 8am and start asking me questions like its nothing (yes, that did actually happen and no I was not already awake).
I was telling my dad last night to picture a piece of rope on fire, with about 1/2 of a centimeter left before it completely burns out. Then I told him that rope was me. I think if I had to do one more day of school crap I would lose it.
On a good note though,
1)my hair is cut and dyed so I am feeling all sassy, which is nice
2)I found a cute cardigan and skirt on sale
3)There may be a Chris Carrabba look alike roaming the streets of NYC- thanks Heather!
4)and Im going home tomorrow to Florida to see my dog and my family--woooohooooo!!!
If Im not posting for the next couple of days, have a great weekend :)
I have definitely reached that "screw it" point in studying when you know you have studied as much as you can and even though you have 2 more hours before the final anything you do from here on out will only be detrimental. So to me, now its just the formality of actually taking the test. Note to self for next semester- do not organize a study group and give them your HOME number. I have now had 4 calls today from people with statistics questions. Im not the professor people, while I am willing to help of course, don't call my home at 8am and start asking me questions like its nothing (yes, that did actually happen and no I was not already awake).
I was telling my dad last night to picture a piece of rope on fire, with about 1/2 of a centimeter left before it completely burns out. Then I told him that rope was me. I think if I had to do one more day of school crap I would lose it.
On a good note though,
1)my hair is cut and dyed so I am feeling all sassy, which is nice
2)I found a cute cardigan and skirt on sale
3)There may be a Chris Carrabba look alike roaming the streets of NYC- thanks Heather!
4)and Im going home tomorrow to Florida to see my dog and my family--woooohooooo!!!
If Im not posting for the next couple of days, have a great weekend :)
Monday, December 13, 2004
My crazy imagination
It's amazing the kinds of things you can think about when you are alone in your apartment. Scary things. I've always been one to get freaked out by the possibilities of ghosts and what not since I was little. It's exciting and terrifying to me at the same time. I guess I'm weird.
When I lived in my last apartment in Florida, I lived alone, but the apartment wasn't really conducive to thinking like that- it was so bright and big, so after a scary movie or whatever I wasn't in the whole "scared to walk to my bedroom" mode. This apartment, however is a different story. The funny thing is that this apartment could probably fit in my last apartments living room. I don't know what it is, but its definitely more scary to be here alone than it was in my last place. I think it might be the fact that this place is over a 100 years old and everything in and around here reflects that. I can't help but think of all the other families and people that have lived in this apartment/building before I have. How many people spent Christmas and Thanksgiving right inside here, its weird.
Anyways, I don't know if you have seen it, but they have started showing the trailer for White Noise on tv. I saw this trailer about a month and a half ago and was truly scared to death. I was mostly scared because afterwards I was intrigued and started doing research on it and found much more than I wanted to know. Scary shit. So of course, the last thing I want to hear in this 100 year old apartment is that freaking commercial come on in the living room while I am all alone. Just hearing that voice say "Get out of my house" sends chills up my body.
So I start thinking. I wonder how much "white noise" is in this apartment? I mean its pretty damn old and who knows the stuff that went on here. Murder?Betrayal? I mean I am right down the block from Washington Square Park and I had no idea until like 2 months ago that was the place that they use to hang people...and the hanging tree is still there. Apparently there are also bodies buried below the park.
Of course there is no way in hell I would ever try this out, but I can't help but wonder.
When I lived in my last apartment in Florida, I lived alone, but the apartment wasn't really conducive to thinking like that- it was so bright and big, so after a scary movie or whatever I wasn't in the whole "scared to walk to my bedroom" mode. This apartment, however is a different story. The funny thing is that this apartment could probably fit in my last apartments living room. I don't know what it is, but its definitely more scary to be here alone than it was in my last place. I think it might be the fact that this place is over a 100 years old and everything in and around here reflects that. I can't help but think of all the other families and people that have lived in this apartment/building before I have. How many people spent Christmas and Thanksgiving right inside here, its weird.
Anyways, I don't know if you have seen it, but they have started showing the trailer for White Noise on tv. I saw this trailer about a month and a half ago and was truly scared to death. I was mostly scared because afterwards I was intrigued and started doing research on it and found much more than I wanted to know. Scary shit. So of course, the last thing I want to hear in this 100 year old apartment is that freaking commercial come on in the living room while I am all alone. Just hearing that voice say "Get out of my house" sends chills up my body.
So I start thinking. I wonder how much "white noise" is in this apartment? I mean its pretty damn old and who knows the stuff that went on here. Murder?Betrayal? I mean I am right down the block from Washington Square Park and I had no idea until like 2 months ago that was the place that they use to hang people...and the hanging tree is still there. Apparently there are also bodies buried below the park.
Of course there is no way in hell I would ever try this out, but I can't help but wonder.
Friday, December 10, 2004
I could be least I would be full
So its pouring rain here as it has been for the past few days and I am starving. Of course there is no appetizing food in the apartment because my whole "no need to buy groceries since you are going home" started a little too soon and I am now left with remnants of undesireables.
Then again, this is NYC, mecca of takeout, but can I really bring myself to order in knowing that someone will be out in this miserable weather because of my laziness? I picture some little guy on a bike, dodging the crazy traffic, rain pouring down his face, all so I can have my pad thai.
Stupid Conscience.
Looks like its peanut butter sandwich time.
Then again, this is NYC, mecca of takeout, but can I really bring myself to order in knowing that someone will be out in this miserable weather because of my laziness? I picture some little guy on a bike, dodging the crazy traffic, rain pouring down his face, all so I can have my pad thai.
Stupid Conscience.
Looks like its peanut butter sandwich time.
Hugh has done it to me again
Well I have officially watched "Love Actually" 15 times now since Thanksgiving. Am I a mental patient? No...but damn I love that movie. It just leaves you with such a happy feeling and you just want to go hug someone, preferably Hugh Grant or Colin Firth.
I am still under the delusion that it is one of those movies that you can put on as "background noise" while you try to do other stuff around the apartment. Negative. I always end up standing in front of the tv for pretty much 75% of the movie because the whole movie is an "oh this is a good part" moment.
For those of you who have seen it, which love scenario is your favorite? I love all of them of course, but I really liked the part with Laura Linney, pehaps because it was the most relateable. When she is dancing with that guy to the Norah Jones song, ugh, such a good moment. Since that feeling she portrayed is so relateable to pretty much anyone who has been in love, I am wondering why her scenario was the only one with no real "resolution" at the end. All of the less realistic scenarios played out beautifully, but this one was left to our imagination. I wonder why.
Its another rainy day here in NYC and my weekend of studying is commencing. My roommate flew home this morning, there is no food in the apartment, and I have the motivation of an 80 year old turtle. This is not a good mix. I do have motivation however to dye my hair. Im thinking of going more for a warm chestnut color for Winter. What do you think?If you are really thinking of answering that question, I have a current pic in my profile. Thanks in advance.
For those of you who have seen it, which love scenario is your favorite? I love all of them of course, but I really liked the part with Laura Linney, pehaps because it was the most relateable. When she is dancing with that guy to the Norah Jones song, ugh, such a good moment. Since that feeling she portrayed is so relateable to pretty much anyone who has been in love, I am wondering why her scenario was the only one with no real "resolution" at the end. All of the less realistic scenarios played out beautifully, but this one was left to our imagination. I wonder why.
Its another rainy day here in NYC and my weekend of studying is commencing. My roommate flew home this morning, there is no food in the apartment, and I have the motivation of an 80 year old turtle. This is not a good mix. I do have motivation however to dye my hair. Im thinking of going more for a warm chestnut color for Winter. What do you think?If you are really thinking of answering that question, I have a current pic in my profile. Thanks in advance.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Praise the Lord
I got the job! I got the job! I got the job!
NBC hired me on the spot today to work in their Affiliate Promotions and Advertising Department starting January 3rd. Holy shit I am so freaking happy I could bust.
They were telling me all the stuff I would be doing, like making sure affiliate networks have the stuff they need to promote NBC shows, working on satellite feeds, websites, and they said something about script approvals for promotions that are aired. Man, there is no class I could take that is going to teach me what I will learn there. I can feel it in my bones that this internship is opening up a whole new path, and my life is ready to start sprinting down it.
I was so scared I wasn't going to get it because the competition is so fierce, what a relief. Next semester is going to be hell on earth- a full-time job AND going to school full-time. I don't even care, this is soooooooo worth it. Who needs a social life anyways right?
NBC hired me on the spot today to work in their Affiliate Promotions and Advertising Department starting January 3rd. Holy shit I am so freaking happy I could bust.
They were telling me all the stuff I would be doing, like making sure affiliate networks have the stuff they need to promote NBC shows, working on satellite feeds, websites, and they said something about script approvals for promotions that are aired. Man, there is no class I could take that is going to teach me what I will learn there. I can feel it in my bones that this internship is opening up a whole new path, and my life is ready to start sprinting down it.
I was so scared I wasn't going to get it because the competition is so fierce, what a relief. Next semester is going to be hell on earth- a full-time job AND going to school full-time. I don't even care, this is soooooooo worth it. Who needs a social life anyways right?
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
I was way off
Silly me, here I was thinking that you actually had to do coursework and pay a shitload to get your MBA....when in actuallity, I just have to be able to lick myself clean.
Check it
Check it
Sunday, December 05, 2004
All you need is love
As with most holidays, but especially Christmas, there is one prominent theme: Love. As the holidays have unfolded around me I have been immersed in songs of love, movies about love, gifts of love...and its a great thing. I remember back when there were times I could find reasons to be bitter when I watched a couple kiss on a side street or stare at each other adoringly, but it is pretty apparent this year that I have grown up.
. I guess I realized that I was never really bitter about couples in love, in fact, I just wanted to be a part of what looked like such a sublime feeling. I think for a while there I had some shitty experiences with guys, because looking back on what I thought were wonderful amazing times with a certain guy....they were in actuality nothing compared to the short amount of time I spent with a certain guy in the most recent months. Its amazing how when you think you are so in love with someone and you can't imagine ever loving anyone as much as you love them....and then it happens, you amazingly fall into a love that was never even conceivable up until that point in time. Some of you know what I am talking about, others are yet to experience it. Maybe I am still yet to experience it. I don't know.
What I do know is that you can't be mad at love for very long. It's like that face that your friend or sister makes that no matter how mad you are at them, you have to laugh. I have learned to grow patient with regards to love. I remember thinking when I was younger, doing as lots of girls do....making my life estimates. I imagined I would be engaged at 24, married at 25, and have kids at 28. Its funny because so many of us do this and I'm not sure why. Maybe it gives us some sense of definiteness, like its in our plans so it has to happen. Well I'm 25 now and I am not even close to being engaged and that doesn't scare me at all. It use to. I use to think that I needed to get out there and start taking dating seriously, because I never really have. Then the other part of me would argue the "if its meant to be, then it will be" statement. Do I pursue love or do I live my life and let love run into me? I am still conflicted.
The thing is though that love isn't just about your soulmate. It's family, it's friends, it's really anything you want it to be. Those who don't feel fulfilled because they aren't dating someone right now should not lose sight of all the love that IS out there, right in front of you. For me, love has been a lot of things recently. Love was seeing the happiness in the faces of my family over Thanksgiving. Love was laughing so hard with my sisters that we cried. Love was my mom's office surprising her last weekend and coming over to the house to do the gardening that she loves, but has been to sick to do. Love is having friends that ask you how your day was...every single day. Love was the old man dancing with his wife in the street earlier this evening.
Maybe I am just more of a romantic than I already thought.
What I do know is that you can't be mad at love for very long. It's like that face that your friend or sister makes that no matter how mad you are at them, you have to laugh. I have learned to grow patient with regards to love. I remember thinking when I was younger, doing as lots of girls do....making my life estimates. I imagined I would be engaged at 24, married at 25, and have kids at 28. Its funny because so many of us do this and I'm not sure why. Maybe it gives us some sense of definiteness, like its in our plans so it has to happen. Well I'm 25 now and I am not even close to being engaged and that doesn't scare me at all. It use to. I use to think that I needed to get out there and start taking dating seriously, because I never really have. Then the other part of me would argue the "if its meant to be, then it will be" statement. Do I pursue love or do I live my life and let love run into me? I am still conflicted.
The thing is though that love isn't just about your soulmate. It's family, it's friends, it's really anything you want it to be. Those who don't feel fulfilled because they aren't dating someone right now should not lose sight of all the love that IS out there, right in front of you. For me, love has been a lot of things recently. Love was seeing the happiness in the faces of my family over Thanksgiving. Love was laughing so hard with my sisters that we cried. Love was my mom's office surprising her last weekend and coming over to the house to do the gardening that she loves, but has been to sick to do. Love is having friends that ask you how your day was...every single day. Love was the old man dancing with his wife in the street earlier this evening.
Maybe I am just more of a romantic than I already thought.
Craptastic week
For those of you at work who happen along my blog to relieve yourself of the utter boredom of the workday, I apologize for my lack of posts. Ever since I got back from FL it seems like all hell has broken loose. Everything has just been such a pain in the ass this week. You know when you have one of those days where you are just completely clumsy and hit your arm on the door or stub your toe? Now remember how pissed off that makes you and couple it with dealing with incompetent people all week. Its a wonder I haven't punched something.
Oh update-I found out on Monday that I was beaten out by some other dude for the ESPN position....sucky. However, I had a great interview with NBC and was called back for a second one this Wednesday, woohoo!
Ann and I were feeling especially holiday-ish last night and decided to head over to Serendipity for dessert and then ice skating in Rockefeller Center. First of all, if you ever go to Serendipity, get the, shit, I forgot the name, let me look it up.........Forbidden Broadway Sundae. Good Lord, it was the best thing I have ever had- foodwise of course. I got about halfway through it and seriously thought I was going to vomit, but it would have been well worth it. It was kinda cool too because we ended up sitting at the same table that the movie Serendipity was filmed at, neato.
So anyways, after eating that monstrosity we head over to go ice skating. Now I've only been ice skating once and it was in Texas and boy did I suck at it. Plus, I have really bad ankles from basketball so I remember it hurting me really bad and not being able to do it for very long. Well we got there and just before we were about to head out on the ice the zambonee thing comes out to make it extra slick. Wonderful. Long story short I had SUCH a great time. I was laughing and falling, it was great. It was one of those things I had always wanted to do, but never really thought I would. Its kinda cool how Ive been crossing quite a few of those off my to-do list lately.
Closer came out yesterday and I really want to see it. Did anyone check it out yet? What did you think?
Every other night or so I wake up to something different. Either some dumbass is talking way too loud, someone slams a door, or similar things like that. Last night I woke up at 4:30 in the morning to someone blasting George Michael's "Faith", which was immediately followed by that "Blister in the Sun" song. Random.
Damnit, I had something I was going to write and then that stupid "dollup of daisy" sour cream commercial came on and now I'm blank.
Well this post is the result of what happens to my brain after 10 hours of studying accounting- bear with me, the semester is almost over.
Oh update-I found out on Monday that I was beaten out by some other dude for the ESPN position....sucky. However, I had a great interview with NBC and was called back for a second one this Wednesday, woohoo!
Ann and I were feeling especially holiday-ish last night and decided to head over to Serendipity for dessert and then ice skating in Rockefeller Center. First of all, if you ever go to Serendipity, get the, shit, I forgot the name, let me look it up.........Forbidden Broadway Sundae. Good Lord, it was the best thing I have ever had- foodwise of course. I got about halfway through it and seriously thought I was going to vomit, but it would have been well worth it. It was kinda cool too because we ended up sitting at the same table that the movie Serendipity was filmed at, neato.
So anyways, after eating that monstrosity we head over to go ice skating. Now I've only been ice skating once and it was in Texas and boy did I suck at it. Plus, I have really bad ankles from basketball so I remember it hurting me really bad and not being able to do it for very long. Well we got there and just before we were about to head out on the ice the zambonee thing comes out to make it extra slick. Wonderful. Long story short I had SUCH a great time. I was laughing and falling, it was great. It was one of those things I had always wanted to do, but never really thought I would. Its kinda cool how Ive been crossing quite a few of those off my to-do list lately.
Closer came out yesterday and I really want to see it. Did anyone check it out yet? What did you think?
Every other night or so I wake up to something different. Either some dumbass is talking way too loud, someone slams a door, or similar things like that. Last night I woke up at 4:30 in the morning to someone blasting George Michael's "Faith", which was immediately followed by that "Blister in the Sun" song. Random.
Damnit, I had something I was going to write and then that stupid "dollup of daisy" sour cream commercial came on and now I'm blank.
Well this post is the result of what happens to my brain after 10 hours of studying accounting- bear with me, the semester is almost over.
Monday, November 29, 2004
Back in the saddle again
I seriously can't believe I am already back in NY again after what was suppose to be a long vacation, but actually flew by. It was a great time though, the weather was gorgeous, and I cooked my first Thanksgiving turkey all by myself, yay! Its always so sad to leave home though when you've been there for a while. I think the only thing that stopped my mom from crying was knowing I will be home again in like 17 days. In the meantime, let the two weeks of hell commence. I have my first final on Monday and the rest the following week and I am seriously lacking in motivation.
Also, just when I thought I was going to be internshipless, I now have 2 possibilities with 2 great networks. At first I didnt want to say anything because I thought I would jinx it, but I have come to believe that I make my own luck and if its meant to happen, then it will. Apparently it has been narrowed down to me and this other person for this IT internship at ESPN. The cool thing about that (as if working for ESPN wasn't cool enough) is that its a paid internship- rare in media. On top of that I got an email today from a lady at NBC today requesting an interview with me for a New Media/Web graphics internship for the Spring. This of course has me super excited because I have always wanted to work for NBC, kinda sucks though because its unpaid, but still its an awesome opportunity. I have that interview on Wednesday so keep your fingers crossed-I hope I get at least one of them.
Now time for a rant. I dont know what you people eat, but being on the subway next to you and inhaling some of the skank nasty breath you have is about the worst part of my day. Its 5pm and I am a little sardine heading uptown on the A line, literally smashed up against everyone. There is a lady next to me who smells ever so strongly like deviled ham. For those of you who know me, you know how I feel about ham to start with. To my right there is this older man whose breath smells like egg salad that has been left in a car trunk for 2 months and has the most yellow fingernails I have ever seen. As if that wasn't bad enough, this weird looking dude is pressed up against me and is staring right at my face the whole time with this smirk on this face, like 4 inches away from me. I have become remarkably good at pretending I am oblivious. God bless ipods.
Well its Las Vegas time. I wouldn't want to disappoint Josh Duhamel, he loves me so.
Also, just when I thought I was going to be internshipless, I now have 2 possibilities with 2 great networks. At first I didnt want to say anything because I thought I would jinx it, but I have come to believe that I make my own luck and if its meant to happen, then it will. Apparently it has been narrowed down to me and this other person for this IT internship at ESPN. The cool thing about that (as if working for ESPN wasn't cool enough) is that its a paid internship- rare in media. On top of that I got an email today from a lady at NBC today requesting an interview with me for a New Media/Web graphics internship for the Spring. This of course has me super excited because I have always wanted to work for NBC, kinda sucks though because its unpaid, but still its an awesome opportunity. I have that interview on Wednesday so keep your fingers crossed-I hope I get at least one of them.
Now time for a rant. I dont know what you people eat, but being on the subway next to you and inhaling some of the skank nasty breath you have is about the worst part of my day. Its 5pm and I am a little sardine heading uptown on the A line, literally smashed up against everyone. There is a lady next to me who smells ever so strongly like deviled ham. For those of you who know me, you know how I feel about ham to start with. To my right there is this older man whose breath smells like egg salad that has been left in a car trunk for 2 months and has the most yellow fingernails I have ever seen. As if that wasn't bad enough, this weird looking dude is pressed up against me and is staring right at my face the whole time with this smirk on this face, like 4 inches away from me. I have become remarkably good at pretending I am oblivious. God bless ipods.
Well its Las Vegas time. I wouldn't want to disappoint Josh Duhamel, he loves me so.
Monday, November 22, 2004
Yay for new computers and holidays!
My computer came in today and I loooooove it. Unfortunately, Im finding it extremely hard to concentrate on anything else.
Has anyone seen that Dell commercial where that guy is suppose to be paying bills, but really he is just having the best time ever playing with his new computer? For some reason I just think that commercial is so hilarious, but I can't find it online, so if one of you finds it, let me know.
Well from this exact minute on, I have 8.5 hours before the airport shuttle picks me up and I still have to finish packing, clean my room, and oh, sleep. I am officially on vacation and have been in my mind for about the past week. I can't wait to get home and start baking amd just hang out. What I am not looking forward to is the humidity and the heat. I'm sure my hair and skin will react ever so nicely.
In extra happy news, seasons 1,2 & 3 of Seinfeld are released tomorrow on dvd!! Woohoo! I have waited soooooo long for this. Oh and I seemed to have missed yet another cool thing in the city today. U2 was apparently at my stop by my school today just 1 hour before I got there playing a free concert and filming a new video. Of course, since they didn't see me there, they decided to drive all over Manhattan playing their music atop some platform thing, and I still managed to miss them. I'm lucky like that.
Well, Im not sure when I will be back on the computer again to post, but just wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. My Thanksgiving is always a Thanksgiving/Christmas holiday because the day after turkey day we begin decorating. It use to be a one day event, but now it occupies about three because we just keep getting better and better decorations and I loooove decorating. Its funny how we still do all the same things we have done every other year.
Here are some of our traditions:
-wake up early and get all the stuff down from the attic
-I do the tree, my mom does random decorating around the house, Leah helps where needed, my Dad does the outside lights and Lisa lays in the middle of the living room floor watching everyone work
-the "Chipmunk Christmas" cassette (yes cassette) makes its first appearance of the year and by the end of the day you are wishing death upon anything resembling a chipmunk
-for dinner we order Domino's pizza, not any other kind, dont ask me why, I cant recall how it started, but it was definitely way back in the day when like only 3 pizza places existed and Papa Johns wasn't one of them
-the Saturday after Thanksgiving we participate in "The Sister Run". Its a 5k event that benefits Ovarian Cancer. I think this year will be my 5th one, yay!
Ok well there is a lot more, but Im not going to type them all. Do you and your family still have any traditions you still uphold? I am a definite kid at heart and when it comes to holidays I will never grow up.
Have a great holiday!
Has anyone seen that Dell commercial where that guy is suppose to be paying bills, but really he is just having the best time ever playing with his new computer? For some reason I just think that commercial is so hilarious, but I can't find it online, so if one of you finds it, let me know.
Well from this exact minute on, I have 8.5 hours before the airport shuttle picks me up and I still have to finish packing, clean my room, and oh, sleep. I am officially on vacation and have been in my mind for about the past week. I can't wait to get home and start baking amd just hang out. What I am not looking forward to is the humidity and the heat. I'm sure my hair and skin will react ever so nicely.
In extra happy news, seasons 1,2 & 3 of Seinfeld are released tomorrow on dvd!! Woohoo! I have waited soooooo long for this. Oh and I seemed to have missed yet another cool thing in the city today. U2 was apparently at my stop by my school today just 1 hour before I got there playing a free concert and filming a new video. Of course, since they didn't see me there, they decided to drive all over Manhattan playing their music atop some platform thing, and I still managed to miss them. I'm lucky like that.
Well, Im not sure when I will be back on the computer again to post, but just wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. My Thanksgiving is always a Thanksgiving/Christmas holiday because the day after turkey day we begin decorating. It use to be a one day event, but now it occupies about three because we just keep getting better and better decorations and I loooove decorating. Its funny how we still do all the same things we have done every other year.
Here are some of our traditions:
-wake up early and get all the stuff down from the attic
-I do the tree, my mom does random decorating around the house, Leah helps where needed, my Dad does the outside lights and Lisa lays in the middle of the living room floor watching everyone work
-the "Chipmunk Christmas" cassette (yes cassette) makes its first appearance of the year and by the end of the day you are wishing death upon anything resembling a chipmunk
-for dinner we order Domino's pizza, not any other kind, dont ask me why, I cant recall how it started, but it was definitely way back in the day when like only 3 pizza places existed and Papa Johns wasn't one of them
-the Saturday after Thanksgiving we participate in "The Sister Run". Its a 5k event that benefits Ovarian Cancer. I think this year will be my 5th one, yay!
Ok well there is a lot more, but Im not going to type them all. Do you and your family still have any traditions you still uphold? I am a definite kid at heart and when it comes to holidays I will never grow up.
Have a great holiday!
Sunday, November 21, 2004
T-Minus 1 day until my new arrival. Yea and Im talking computers not babies. Im hoping it arrives after I get out of class or else I can definitely see myself skipping to play with my new toy.
Has anyone else felt very non-productive due to all these good movies on lately? Well I have and this cold rainy weather just gives you all the more reason to stay in. I cant even recall how many movies I watched, but it was a helluva lot.
On Friday night we went to Little Italy because I had been craving Italian food forever and I realized I hadnt been there since I moved here. Well I forgot what an experience this can be for ladies. Girls, if you are ever feeling down, just put on a cute outfit and walk down the row of restaurants in Little Italy...your self esteem will get a nice little boost. Those guys take their restaurant recruiting seriously and will do everything but propose to get you in there. This one guy offered to buy my meal...and now Im wondering why I passed on that. Hmm. Anyways, it ws pretty funny because they are soo much worse than the guys in Italy and a lot more forward. This one guy that easily was older than my dad asked for my number, pretty ballsy if you ask me, I cant even remember what I responded.
Well since this post is going nowhere fast, Im outta here.
Has anyone else felt very non-productive due to all these good movies on lately? Well I have and this cold rainy weather just gives you all the more reason to stay in. I cant even recall how many movies I watched, but it was a helluva lot.
On Friday night we went to Little Italy because I had been craving Italian food forever and I realized I hadnt been there since I moved here. Well I forgot what an experience this can be for ladies. Girls, if you are ever feeling down, just put on a cute outfit and walk down the row of restaurants in Little Italy...your self esteem will get a nice little boost. Those guys take their restaurant recruiting seriously and will do everything but propose to get you in there. This one guy offered to buy my meal...and now Im wondering why I passed on that. Hmm. Anyways, it ws pretty funny because they are soo much worse than the guys in Italy and a lot more forward. This one guy that easily was older than my dad asked for my number, pretty ballsy if you ask me, I cant even remember what I responded.
Well since this post is going nowhere fast, Im outta here.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Wrong on so many levels
I just finished reading this article on CNN and it really pissed me off. As they so eloquently stated in the article, there is a site being developed that would allow users "to sit at their computers and blast away at animals on a Texas ranch via the Internet". Does that turn anyone else's stomach? I have never agreed with recreational hunting to start with, but now, any lazy ass with a motive to kill a living thing can enjoy that sick pleasure from the comfort of their own home.
The creator of the site, a Texas ranch owner describes how he came up with the idea:
"We were looking at a beautiful white-tail buck and my friend said 'If you just had a gun for that.' A little light bulb went off in my head," he said.
Well isn't that precious? Who doesn't think similar thoughts when they see a little baby? Aww, how cute, now let's think of a creative way to kill it. Ok, so thats a tad extreme, but you know what I mean. I guess recreational hunting is just something I will never understand.
On another note, Adam is a daddy as of last night, hooray!!!
The creator of the site, a Texas ranch owner describes how he came up with the idea:
"We were looking at a beautiful white-tail buck and my friend said 'If you just had a gun for that.' A little light bulb went off in my head," he said.
Well isn't that precious? Who doesn't think similar thoughts when they see a little baby? Aww, how cute, now let's think of a creative way to kill it. Ok, so thats a tad extreme, but you know what I mean. I guess recreational hunting is just something I will never understand.
Not having internet is slowly killing me. I mean sure I have access to it for necessary things thanks to my roommate, but what I never realized is the amount of random stuff that I look up on a daily basis. Random, yet important. It cannot be explained, but those of you who share my same vice know exactly what I mean.
On another note, Adam is a daddy as of last night, hooray!!!
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Google 'till the cows come home
Well what a fun time last night was. There is nothing like being on the phone with computer support people for 2 hours just for them to tell you that your computer is dead. Yea, my computer died yesterday and was unable to be revived. Everytime I turned it on, I got this weird error and my keyboard and mouse shut down. So after taking apart the tower and playing with all the dusty goodies inside, I was given a list of all the things I needed to replace, and since I was no longer under warranty I was told to "call my local technician". No way jose, Im not dealing with all that crap. So about a half hour ago I ordered up a new one. It was about time anyways. Its nice though and I got a really good deal. So hopefully sometime on Thursday I will be up and running. Until then, I am semi-computerless, which makes for a very bored and disoriented Laura. It's scary how much new tech stuff excites me.
In other news, this site is getting a facelift. I figured since I am pretty much the only one on the old blogger template style that it was time to go for a sleeker look. Plus, after seeing Dana's site I got motivated. I had my favortite nyc pics incorporated into the layout, so I think it will be more "me" than this site currently is. Stay tuned for the new look, should be sometime today or tomorrow.
Also, Im sure youve noticed the new Google searchbar addition. You need to use that shit up, know why? Well I get paid when you do. Isn't that reason enough?
Seriously, search. Now.
In other news, this site is getting a facelift. I figured since I am pretty much the only one on the old blogger template style that it was time to go for a sleeker look. Plus, after seeing Dana's site I got motivated. I had my favortite nyc pics incorporated into the layout, so I think it will be more "me" than this site currently is. Stay tuned for the new look, should be sometime today or tomorrow.
Also, Im sure youve noticed the new Google searchbar addition. You need to use that shit up, know why? Well I get paid when you do. Isn't that reason enough?
Seriously, search. Now.
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Who needs to party when you can just do simple linear regression?
As you can probably tell, I am already bitter about my stats class again. How he manages to confuse us so quickly I will never know, but the man has a gift for it.
So I spent all day Friday at the Fordham Women In Business Conference and it was actually a very good time. The speakers were amazing and I definitely came away with a lot. Unfortunately, that experience brought forth something I have been realizing for a while that I have a problem with- remembering names. I suck at it, bigtime. I always have. I can seriously meet someone, turn around for 2 seconds, and then turn back around and have NO IDEA what their name was. Ive always known this was a problem, but I find it more critical now being in B-school where keeping contacts and networking is vital. So, in an effort to solve this little problem I am signed up for a Dale Carnegie course on "Remembering Names". I've never been to one of those courses, but I've only heard good things.
This morning Ann, Brian, and I decided to go to the "Home Restaurant" that we live directly next door to. After living here a couple of months I figured we should at least know what the place was like. My room windows overlook their garden seating, so its pretty neat to look out at night because its all lit up and people are having a jolly good time. What isnt neat is when they start setting up out there at what seems like the crack of dawn and I can almost predict now exactly what their routine is all by sounds. First they bring out the tables and set up the chairs, then they pull the canopy down (that is loud as hell) and start unloading the glasses onto the bar out there, etc,etc. Man, I should work there. As I type I am hearing them relay tonights specials. I guess thats kinda cool, depending on my mood. Anyways.......It was a good time, but not necessarily what I was expecting. Their decor suggests "Grandma's Kitchen" cooking, but the actual meals had more of an artsy-french-ish twist to them. The food was good of course, but the portions were very small. Needless to say we cleared out the bread basket. I had the "Chopped Vegetable Salad with Pepper Bacon, Grilled Chicken Sausage, Poached Egg and a Buttermilk Dressing". It was very good, but not really what I was in the mood for I guess. I guess when I think of "Home" I think of "hearty", maybe thats just me. Poor Ann got their Salami plate that sounded and seemed to taste very good, but I swear it was the smallest thing ever. Perhaps we should go back for dinner instead of brunch.
Later on we decided to stroll through Soho where from out of nowhere we started hearing these crazy cheers and all this noise. Well then we see this parade type thing coming down the street, except its not a parade. It had this band in the front and then just regularly dressed random people holding pom-poms and screaming like crazy as they walked. Everyone on the street was thinking the same thing- "what the hell??". Well apparently this was what all the hoopla was for. Some people see movie stars in Soho, I see this crap.
Oh, and this just in- ODB died. Yep, the co-founder of Wu Tang died in a recording studio today, he was only 35. Anyone who reaaaallly knows me knows that I went through a very interesting Wu Tang stage in highschool. Yep, there was nothing like driving around in my mom's minivan blasting those lovely Wu Tang lyrics. Oh dear God, I can only imagine the stages my kids will go through.
I'm off to pop a birth control pill.
So I spent all day Friday at the Fordham Women In Business Conference and it was actually a very good time. The speakers were amazing and I definitely came away with a lot. Unfortunately, that experience brought forth something I have been realizing for a while that I have a problem with- remembering names. I suck at it, bigtime. I always have. I can seriously meet someone, turn around for 2 seconds, and then turn back around and have NO IDEA what their name was. Ive always known this was a problem, but I find it more critical now being in B-school where keeping contacts and networking is vital. So, in an effort to solve this little problem I am signed up for a Dale Carnegie course on "Remembering Names". I've never been to one of those courses, but I've only heard good things.
This morning Ann, Brian, and I decided to go to the "Home Restaurant" that we live directly next door to. After living here a couple of months I figured we should at least know what the place was like. My room windows overlook their garden seating, so its pretty neat to look out at night because its all lit up and people are having a jolly good time. What isnt neat is when they start setting up out there at what seems like the crack of dawn and I can almost predict now exactly what their routine is all by sounds. First they bring out the tables and set up the chairs, then they pull the canopy down (that is loud as hell) and start unloading the glasses onto the bar out there, etc,etc. Man, I should work there. As I type I am hearing them relay tonights specials. I guess thats kinda cool, depending on my mood. Anyways.......It was a good time, but not necessarily what I was expecting. Their decor suggests "Grandma's Kitchen" cooking, but the actual meals had more of an artsy-french-ish twist to them. The food was good of course, but the portions were very small. Needless to say we cleared out the bread basket. I had the "Chopped Vegetable Salad with Pepper Bacon, Grilled Chicken Sausage, Poached Egg and a Buttermilk Dressing". It was very good, but not really what I was in the mood for I guess. I guess when I think of "Home" I think of "hearty", maybe thats just me. Poor Ann got their Salami plate that sounded and seemed to taste very good, but I swear it was the smallest thing ever. Perhaps we should go back for dinner instead of brunch.
Later on we decided to stroll through Soho where from out of nowhere we started hearing these crazy cheers and all this noise. Well then we see this parade type thing coming down the street, except its not a parade. It had this band in the front and then just regularly dressed random people holding pom-poms and screaming like crazy as they walked. Everyone on the street was thinking the same thing- "what the hell??". Well apparently this was what all the hoopla was for. Some people see movie stars in Soho, I see this crap.
Oh, and this just in- ODB died. Yep, the co-founder of Wu Tang died in a recording studio today, he was only 35. Anyone who reaaaallly knows me knows that I went through a very interesting Wu Tang stage in highschool. Yep, there was nothing like driving around in my mom's minivan blasting those lovely Wu Tang lyrics. Oh dear God, I can only imagine the stages my kids will go through.
I'm off to pop a birth control pill.
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Ok Dave, now stop your whining
Well the NY Marathon was awesome and there couldn't have been a more perfect day, weather-wise, in which to hold this event. I knew there would be a lot of people out there, but I wasnt aware that all of NYC would be there. I had always wanted to see the runner's come over the bridge and I did get to see that..well sort of. I got to see them come running down off the bridge. I forgot that I am not 400 feet tall and would never really be able to see them all running on the bridge.
These runners amazed me though. When I saw them, they were on mile 16 and ALL of them were running. I rarely saw anyone stop for a breather at all. I loved the representation of all the different countries too, so much allegiance and pride.
Ok, enough babbling, here are some pics:
In other news, I need your opinions on something...
These runners amazed me though. When I saw them, they were on mile 16 and ALL of them were running. I rarely saw anyone stop for a breather at all. I loved the representation of all the different countries too, so much allegiance and pride.
Ok, enough babbling, here are some pics:
The lovely Queensboro Bridge. If you look real close, you can see
the little runner heads on the bridge.
More runners.....
I liked this shot. The runners were pumped coming off that bridge
to all the screaming fans.
Here the runners have made it to 1st Avenue and are on their
way up over to Central Park
Central Park finally, here they are for their last 2 miles.
Crappy shot, but you get the idea. Its sad that these people still had all this energy
afterwards, yet me and my roommate were tired from all the walking. Yea, walking.
In other news, I need your opinions on something...
Here is the "hypothetical dilemma" you are faced with:
You are in grad school and have a shitload of loans.
You are not currently working.
You have the possibility of getting a Grad Asst. position with the school next semester which will pay for a good deal of your tuition.
You also have the possibility of getting an internship next semester with a really well known music company, thanks to a contact you have made. Doesn't sound like a dilemma right? Well, here's the thing, its unpaid. So the dilemma lies in whether you should suck up the loans for another semester and go for the "experience" of the internship...or work for the school, make some money, and look for an internship in the summer (kinda risky since I have this contact). Sure the internship might lead to a job, you never know, but then that throws my whole life off course because I had planned to go to school full-time, not part-time. Ehhh, I dont know, my brain is too jumbled now. Share your wisdom.
Saturday, November 06, 2004
It's 10 pm on a saturday night.......
...and I'm in my apartment watching the Lizzy Maguire movie. Yep. And you know what? I'm loving it.
Do you ever just get tired of bars and all that? I mean, dont get me wrong, I like going out, having a few drinks and I loooove dancing, but sometimes it just seems really pointless. Sometimes its just not fun, no matter how good the music is or how cute the clientele. Its weird. I went out last night to this bar on West 3rd. Fun times, good music- just didnt do it for me though. Plus its always a buzzkill realizing how expensive the drinks are here. Yea, I know I should be over it by now, but Im not. What sealed the night was when this drunk guy bashed his face into my nose while trying to give me a kiss on the cheek. Not fun, and yea, it still hurts.
I guess sometimes I would just rather spend a quiet evening in...or somewhere less "I'm looking"...if you know what I mean. Unfortunately, the chance of meeting a nice, cute guy in my apartment or a bookstore around the corner is quite small. The thing is though...Im not even looking, at all. I've found what I want, he just happens to live out of state, and doesn't really know the extent of my feelings. Hooray for love being complicated. What a mess. Where is all the wine when you need it?
Anyways, today my roommate and I walked all over the West Side down by the Hudson River. Geez its so gorgeous here. Then we decided to stroll pretty much all over Chelsea.
I ended up at 2 great bakeries, one of which I ate at and the other just admired as the line was crazy long. However, if these cupcakes look even remotely good to you (youre crazy if they don't), then I recommend either Billy's Bakery on 9th or the Magnolia Bakery on Bleecker. Ahh, what I wouldnt do for one of those right now.
Right across the street from the Magnolia bakery was this quaint little bookshop, I dont even remember the name, but man do I love bookstores and this place was great. It was the perfect kind of place that I would love to work at because I bet you meet all kinds of interesting people. Too bad some of the coolest random jobs dont pay too much, or maybe they do and I just haven't found the right one.
Ive heard a lot of people recommend trying to get a job at Starbucks because you get full benefits even if you work part time, which would rock, except for one thing.....I hate coffee and anything related to it. Yes, that includes "iced mocha" anythings. Call me crazy. I also hate donuts.
I'm really excited about tomorrow because Im going to see the NYC marathon. Thats right, to "see", not "run". I think it would be awesome to partake in the event though, maybe next year, when I can train and stuff. Hahhaha, train for a marathon, thats funny stuff. Anyways, Ive always wanted to see the runners come over the Queensboro bridge so that will be cool. Hopefully I'll snap some good shots.
Well its now time to browse Icontrol for something worthy of my limited attention span. Have a good weekend :)
Do you ever just get tired of bars and all that? I mean, dont get me wrong, I like going out, having a few drinks and I loooove dancing, but sometimes it just seems really pointless. Sometimes its just not fun, no matter how good the music is or how cute the clientele. Its weird. I went out last night to this bar on West 3rd. Fun times, good music- just didnt do it for me though. Plus its always a buzzkill realizing how expensive the drinks are here. Yea, I know I should be over it by now, but Im not. What sealed the night was when this drunk guy bashed his face into my nose while trying to give me a kiss on the cheek. Not fun, and yea, it still hurts.
I guess sometimes I would just rather spend a quiet evening in...or somewhere less "I'm looking"...if you know what I mean. Unfortunately, the chance of meeting a nice, cute guy in my apartment or a bookstore around the corner is quite small. The thing is though...Im not even looking, at all. I've found what I want, he just happens to live out of state, and doesn't really know the extent of my feelings. Hooray for love being complicated. What a mess. Where is all the wine when you need it?
Anyways, today my roommate and I walked all over the West Side down by the Hudson River. Geez its so gorgeous here. Then we decided to stroll pretty much all over Chelsea.
Right across the street from the Magnolia bakery was this quaint little bookshop, I dont even remember the name, but man do I love bookstores and this place was great. It was the perfect kind of place that I would love to work at because I bet you meet all kinds of interesting people. Too bad some of the coolest random jobs dont pay too much, or maybe they do and I just haven't found the right one.
Ive heard a lot of people recommend trying to get a job at Starbucks because you get full benefits even if you work part time, which would rock, except for one thing.....I hate coffee and anything related to it. Yes, that includes "iced mocha" anythings. Call me crazy. I also hate donuts.
I'm really excited about tomorrow because Im going to see the NYC marathon. Thats right, to "see", not "run". I think it would be awesome to partake in the event though, maybe next year, when I can train and stuff. Hahhaha, train for a marathon, thats funny stuff. Anyways, Ive always wanted to see the runners come over the Queensboro bridge so that will be cool. Hopefully I'll snap some good shots.
Well its now time to browse Icontrol for something worthy of my limited attention span. Have a good weekend :)
Thursday, November 04, 2004
I'm avoiding homework, can you tell?
So two posts in roughly 11 hours of each other....yep, I'm clearly avoiding something. Ever since midterms ended I feel like I am suffering from a severe delusion that I am on vacation or something- like the semester is over. Silly Laura, you are only halfway through. Isn't it crazy to think that the first week of November is almost finished? Time is flying like crazy. Only 19 days until I fly home! I am so excited. I hope its a tad cooler there for Thanksgiving. I would be thrilled if it was like 65, but since today its about 90 there, Im not too sure how it will be in a few weeks.
So for those of you at work who may have missed it, President Bush just had a press conference a while ago. So I am sitting there watching it and they scroll a headline across the screen at the bottom that says that Yasser Arafat is in a coma. So of course that is terrible, but about 2 seconds later, this press guy raises his hand to ask a question and says "Mr. President, I know you dont know this, but Yasser Arafat has just passed away". So everyone is taken aback for a second, including Bush, and I am sitting there wondering how the heck he knows that for sure. So of course Bush adresses that as best he could, but I am still wondering how on earth he could be in a coma and then die one second later and how this guy is privy to such information at this fast of a rate. Well right after the conference, they of course announce that Yasser Arafat is not dead. Hmm. So what happens to this dude that took it upon himself to relay this info to the President on live tv? Do you think he loses his job? I mean it clearly can't be good for his career.
If I didnt have homework to do, it is a perfect day to just snuggle in your bed and watch movies. I got these awesome candles the other day that smell like pumpkin pie...they are dangerously suggestive, but they smell so damn good. Pumpkin anything is a weakness of mine. I cant be around it because I have no self control. Have you ever had a pumpkin muffin from Panera? Yummmm. Another thing I shouldn't be allowed around is orange juice. Sounds stupid, but Im serious. I drink it like a madwoman. Luckily its so freaking expensive here that I rarely buy it. However the past 2 weeks I have bought a quart of it and I finish it within the day pretty much. Back in FL I use to drink about 4 big glasses a day of it....then I had severe acid reflux for a while and they had to put me on like this heart monitor thing because I was having all these chest pains, luckily it wasnt my heart, just too much OJ. You think I would have learned.
So for those of you at work who may have missed it, President Bush just had a press conference a while ago. So I am sitting there watching it and they scroll a headline across the screen at the bottom that says that Yasser Arafat is in a coma. So of course that is terrible, but about 2 seconds later, this press guy raises his hand to ask a question and says "Mr. President, I know you dont know this, but Yasser Arafat has just passed away". So everyone is taken aback for a second, including Bush, and I am sitting there wondering how the heck he knows that for sure. So of course Bush adresses that as best he could, but I am still wondering how on earth he could be in a coma and then die one second later and how this guy is privy to such information at this fast of a rate. Well right after the conference, they of course announce that Yasser Arafat is not dead. Hmm. So what happens to this dude that took it upon himself to relay this info to the President on live tv? Do you think he loses his job? I mean it clearly can't be good for his career.
If I didnt have homework to do, it is a perfect day to just snuggle in your bed and watch movies. I got these awesome candles the other day that smell like pumpkin pie...they are dangerously suggestive, but they smell so damn good. Pumpkin anything is a weakness of mine. I cant be around it because I have no self control. Have you ever had a pumpkin muffin from Panera? Yummmm. Another thing I shouldn't be allowed around is orange juice. Sounds stupid, but Im serious. I drink it like a madwoman. Luckily its so freaking expensive here that I rarely buy it. However the past 2 weeks I have bought a quart of it and I finish it within the day pretty much. Back in FL I use to drink about 4 big glasses a day of it....then I had severe acid reflux for a while and they had to put me on like this heart monitor thing because I was having all these chest pains, luckily it wasnt my heart, just too much OJ. You think I would have learned.
Warning: Really big pictures ahead
Well if you guys were expecting an election post, you guessed wrong. No political views today. You all know who I wanted to win, so you know I am pleased.
My roommate and I went down to Rockefeller Center last night to enjoy all the election festivities. It was pretty cool and it looked fantastic at night. We saw Tom Brokaw, Tim Russert, and all the rest of them broadcasting live and the place was swarming with eager and excited voters. The cool thing about it was there was no hostility. Everyone, no matter who they voted for, was excited and happy. Oh yea, and about 10 minutes after I got there I bumped into someone, like literally ran into her. It wasn't until I looked down that I realized it was Dr. Ruth, haha. Man that lady is tiny.
Here are a few pics from election night...
They had the area decked out so nicely. Pretty pretty flags.
Wow, ok so they are really huge. Well I am too lazy to resize them tonight so you will just have to deal with it.
In super terrific news, I found out today that I got an A on my Stats midterm, hell yea! Now if my other 3 midterm grades will follow that lead, everything will be just wonderful.
I also admit that I have a new guilty pleasure, an embarrassing one. Please tell me that there is someone else out there that watches Laguna Beach on MTV. I made fun of it when I first saw it and then after one lazy day of watching all the recent episodes, I am hooked. Sad and pathetic? Most definitely.
I am however very excited/interested in watching the O.C. starting tomorrow night. I watched it like twice and loved it, but I think it conflicted with "Friends" or something so thats all I ever saw. Those 2 episodes that I did watch were really good, so Im sure the rest of it is, especially with all of the diehard fans they seem to have acquired.
Has anyone seen that show on VH1 called "Motormouth"? Its actually pretty funny. People are freaks, especially when they are alone in their car. I would have so been a perfect candidate for that show back when I had a car. I looooved singing to my favorite songs in the car. On the show its not so much the voices that are awful to hear, its definitely the facial expressions that make you cringe.
Ok well seeing as how I cant really stay on one topic for more than 3 sentences, I am off to bed. Sweet dreams of Hugh Grant and Chris Carrabba.
My roommate and I went down to Rockefeller Center last night to enjoy all the election festivities. It was pretty cool and it looked fantastic at night. We saw Tom Brokaw, Tim Russert, and all the rest of them broadcasting live and the place was swarming with eager and excited voters. The cool thing about it was there was no hostility. Everyone, no matter who they voted for, was excited and happy. Oh yea, and about 10 minutes after I got there I bumped into someone, like literally ran into her. It wasn't until I looked down that I realized it was Dr. Ruth, haha. Man that lady is tiny.
Here are a few pics from election night...
They had the area decked out so nicely. Pretty pretty flags.
Wow, ok so they are really huge. Well I am too lazy to resize them tonight so you will just have to deal with it.
In super terrific news, I found out today that I got an A on my Stats midterm, hell yea! Now if my other 3 midterm grades will follow that lead, everything will be just wonderful.
I also admit that I have a new guilty pleasure, an embarrassing one. Please tell me that there is someone else out there that watches Laguna Beach on MTV. I made fun of it when I first saw it and then after one lazy day of watching all the recent episodes, I am hooked. Sad and pathetic? Most definitely.
I am however very excited/interested in watching the O.C. starting tomorrow night. I watched it like twice and loved it, but I think it conflicted with "Friends" or something so thats all I ever saw. Those 2 episodes that I did watch were really good, so Im sure the rest of it is, especially with all of the diehard fans they seem to have acquired.
Has anyone seen that show on VH1 called "Motormouth"? Its actually pretty funny. People are freaks, especially when they are alone in their car. I would have so been a perfect candidate for that show back when I had a car. I looooved singing to my favorite songs in the car. On the show its not so much the voices that are awful to hear, its definitely the facial expressions that make you cringe.
Ok well seeing as how I cant really stay on one topic for more than 3 sentences, I am off to bed. Sweet dreams of Hugh Grant and Chris Carrabba.
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Thank God its almost over!
Well it is finally that much anticipated day...election day. The good folks over at Fordham gave us all the day off of school in an effort to make sure we all have time to vote. How nice. As if that wasn't a nice enough way to start your day, I had a fantastic dream this morning about a guy I met on an airplane....and then of course woke up right in the middle of the best part. The weird thing was he was blonde, which is really not my type...I'm more preferential to the dark featured types. In the dream he was currently living in California working on his Masters at Stanford. The moral of this story? All the hot guys I ever meet will end up living in California. I'm moving.
Ok ok, back to election day stuff. So there is no way I am going to use this post as a way to influence any last minute voters to vote Bush, nor does this mean I want anyone to comment on why they hate him or whatever. I was kind of disappointed for a while because all the people I talked to that were for Kerry could not answer one question....."Without referring to Bush in your answer, please clearly explain to me why you think John Kerry should be the next President." Doesn't sound too difficult right? I didn't think so, but I was amazed at the fact that no one could really answer it without having to contemplate it for a while. Those that did answer it immediately referred to Bush. Hellooooo, listen to the directions people. So anyways, this was somewhat disturbing because here is a candidate in a dead heat with the current president and who has a very good chance of being elected...and some of his most avid supporters that I know or have spoken to can't even tell me why he would be good for our country. Yikes. Well finally I spoke to someone from back in Florida who was able to give me the most intelligent pro-Kerry statement I have heard. What a relief. I can handle a good argument, just not one that is more along the lines of a 3rd grade playground tiff, i.e. "You're views are retarded!". Thanks, good one!
Well hopefully this year's election will go off without a hitch. With Florida's new voting device, we shouldn't have any problems.....
I just can't believe that after tonight this election will be over. It has consumed so much of the past 2 years that I really can't imagine not hearing about it on the news or reading about it on Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled its about to be over. Oh I saw Eminem's new video about Bush the other day. Now I like Eminem, but that whole video just seems gay. I mean, is it suppose to be some big surprise that yet another celebrity backs Kerry? Hop right on the bandwagon, but its getting a little full! The sad thing is that he hasn't even formally declared backing Kerry, which means yet another vote for Kerry because he "isnt Bush", hooray! thats a way to pick a nation's leader! Either way, in my opinion the current president should receive a certain amount of respect. Sure you dont have to vote for him, or even like him, but knowing you are in a position in which the youth of America is going to blindly follow you and then painting such a disapproving picture of someone in a position that we should be teaching our children to respect, well it just doesn't sit well with me. Would I have a problem with it if Eminem's video was about John Kerry? Of course I would and I say that in complete honesty. Freedom of speech is a bitch sometimes.
Well, enough of that. You people know what to do, and any of you that has an opinion on this election has most likely had the same one for the past 2 years. Do what you think is right and may the best man win. Whoever he is, I will support him, as he will be the leader of this great country. I just hope that one thing stays innate to him....keeping our best interests at heart.
Now go out and vote, or else P. Diddy will kill you.
Ok ok, back to election day stuff. So there is no way I am going to use this post as a way to influence any last minute voters to vote Bush, nor does this mean I want anyone to comment on why they hate him or whatever. I was kind of disappointed for a while because all the people I talked to that were for Kerry could not answer one question....."Without referring to Bush in your answer, please clearly explain to me why you think John Kerry should be the next President." Doesn't sound too difficult right? I didn't think so, but I was amazed at the fact that no one could really answer it without having to contemplate it for a while. Those that did answer it immediately referred to Bush. Hellooooo, listen to the directions people. So anyways, this was somewhat disturbing because here is a candidate in a dead heat with the current president and who has a very good chance of being elected...and some of his most avid supporters that I know or have spoken to can't even tell me why he would be good for our country. Yikes. Well finally I spoke to someone from back in Florida who was able to give me the most intelligent pro-Kerry statement I have heard. What a relief. I can handle a good argument, just not one that is more along the lines of a 3rd grade playground tiff, i.e. "You're views are retarded!". Thanks, good one!
Well hopefully this year's election will go off without a hitch. With Florida's new voting device, we shouldn't have any problems.....
Well, enough of that. You people know what to do, and any of you that has an opinion on this election has most likely had the same one for the past 2 years. Do what you think is right and may the best man win. Whoever he is, I will support him, as he will be the leader of this great country. I just hope that one thing stays innate to him....keeping our best interests at heart.
Now go out and vote, or else P. Diddy will kill you.
Monday, November 01, 2004
Oh what a night
Well you've got to love a city in which more adults than children dress up for Halloween. The freaks were out last night thats for sure. I feel like all of Manhattan was in my neighborhood. It was craaaazy. You couldnt even walk. And the parade? Forget about being able to see anything, that is unless you were one of the people that start staking out their standing spot 3 hours before the parade. No thanks. We ended up heading over to the Town Taven, a nice little bar off of West 3rd. Got to love $2 drafts. At one point we attempted to go see the parade, but being 5'1 doesnt help too much. I resorted to just holding up my camera and hoping I would capture something neato. The result? Oh about 5 pictures of the KFC sign across the street, random heads in front of me, and not one parade pic. Overall it was a good time though, except for tha fact that I feel like death today. Apparently its not good to drink beer on an empty stomach. After force feeding myself some crackers this morning, we stopped by Pressed Toast, this little hole in the wall place on Macdougal that makes the best sandwiches, and everything there is $4 or less. I highly recommend it if you happen to be in the area.
I feel a little naughty because I am skipping one of my classes today, my first skip this semester. The way I look at it is, I feel like crap, I can easily find out that I missed, and I can use the extra time to study for my midterm tonigh. Thats right ladies and gents, I still have one more midterm to take. Is it me or doesnt it seem like Ive been taking midterms for about a month? Well there were grand plans to party like a rockstar tonight after my test, but at this point the thought of beer is quite disturbing. I always do this. I always drink the night before the night Im reaaallly suppose to go out, and then I dont want to. Make sense?
I only woke up a few hours ago and I already feel the need for a nap. Its amazing how a hangover makes me not able to function the next day. I somehow managed to get hot sauce in my eyeball at lunch. Dont ask, but it wasnt fun. Eating something should have made me feel better, but it hasnt. Perhaps it was Brian trying to make me sick talking about egg yolks this morning....yea, that could be it.
In wonderful terrific news....
My NYC boy called yesterday! It was fantastic talking to him and we are trying to figure out a time to get together in Florida over Christmas when he will be there for a week, yay!
Ok, well all this writing has made me tired. Perhaps its time I start to study. And by study, I mean nap. Ciao.
P.S.- for those of you at work today, bored out of your this article. I found it very interesting.
I feel a little naughty because I am skipping one of my classes today, my first skip this semester. The way I look at it is, I feel like crap, I can easily find out that I missed, and I can use the extra time to study for my midterm tonigh. Thats right ladies and gents, I still have one more midterm to take. Is it me or doesnt it seem like Ive been taking midterms for about a month? Well there were grand plans to party like a rockstar tonight after my test, but at this point the thought of beer is quite disturbing. I always do this. I always drink the night before the night Im reaaallly suppose to go out, and then I dont want to. Make sense?
I only woke up a few hours ago and I already feel the need for a nap. Its amazing how a hangover makes me not able to function the next day. I somehow managed to get hot sauce in my eyeball at lunch. Dont ask, but it wasnt fun. Eating something should have made me feel better, but it hasnt. Perhaps it was Brian trying to make me sick talking about egg yolks this morning....yea, that could be it.
In wonderful terrific news....
My NYC boy called yesterday! It was fantastic talking to him and we are trying to figure out a time to get together in Florida over Christmas when he will be there for a week, yay!
Ok, well all this writing has made me tired. Perhaps its time I start to study. And by study, I mean nap. Ciao.
P.S.- for those of you at work today, bored out of your this article. I found it very interesting.
Friday, October 29, 2004
I wish I had 2 more midterms to take!....oh wait
Only two midterms down with two more to go and my attention span is zilch today. I just cant bring myself to study, at all. You'd be amazed at the stuff I have done today just so I wouldnt have to study. Hopefully overnight I will magically transform into a motivated student again.
So you want to know why my mom is so wonderful? Well she knows that you are never too young to enjoy surprise treats...hence this box of Halloween goodies I received today from her, hooray!
Oh and one more thing...maybe you fellow New Yorkers can help me out with this....
What the HELL is up with this MNN3 channel??? I saw about 10 minutes of someones weird show called "Pancakes" on there, and thats all I could take, I had to change the channel. (I'm assuming its a NY thing because I had this channel back before I got real cable when I first moved here). The subject matter was deeply disturbing. In the 10 minutes I was watching, the following ensued:
-use of the word "fuck" about 10000000 times
-some girl (whoevers show it is) ,who obviously has a self esteem problem, yelling about a Victoria Secret catalog and how they all looked like they got raped (yea, makes no sense)
-then she decided to show a pic of a mutilated woman in a garbage can
-then it cut to a scene of her in her living room, wearing a gas mask, holding a strawberry shortkake doll in one hand, and a massive knife in the other
I kid you not, that was all on there. How do these people get on air? Who are the crazies that think this is TV worthy? Someone please enlighten me...
Oh and one more thing...maybe you fellow New Yorkers can help me out with this....
What the HELL is up with this MNN3 channel??? I saw about 10 minutes of someones weird show called "Pancakes" on there, and thats all I could take, I had to change the channel. (I'm assuming its a NY thing because I had this channel back before I got real cable when I first moved here). The subject matter was deeply disturbing. In the 10 minutes I was watching, the following ensued:
-use of the word "fuck" about 10000000 times
-some girl (whoevers show it is) ,who obviously has a self esteem problem, yelling about a Victoria Secret catalog and how they all looked like they got raped (yea, makes no sense)
-then she decided to show a pic of a mutilated woman in a garbage can
-then it cut to a scene of her in her living room, wearing a gas mask, holding a strawberry shortkake doll in one hand, and a massive knife in the other
I kid you not, that was all on there. How do these people get on air? Who are the crazies that think this is TV worthy? Someone please enlighten me...
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Helllooooo Mr. Manager!
So first of all, to the Red Sox, congratulations are in order, as well as to 2 fellow bloggers who I know love the Red Sox...Brian and Al, you guys must be elated! Oh and Derek, the first hard core Boston fan I ever knew, I definitely didnt forget about you :)
While watching the game tonight, my roommate and I couldn't help but wonder who this handsome guy was that they kept showing. Well tada, the crush of the hour is now on GM Theo Epstein. Cute as a button.
Did anyone see that Nike commercial they aired right after the win? It was so precious, definitely brought tears to the eyes. If you missed it, check it out here. Even you Yankee fans will appreciate it- ok, well maybe not the stubborn ones.
Nighty poo!
Did anyone see that Nike commercial they aired right after the win? It was so precious, definitely brought tears to the eyes. If you missed it, check it out here. Even you Yankee fans will appreciate it- ok, well maybe not the stubborn ones.
Nighty poo!
Monday, October 25, 2004
One down, 3 to go...
Well I had my first midterm today- Accounting, yum. It was tolerable I suppose, but generally very hard. I dont think anyone finished because he pretty much had to snatch up all of our papers when the time expired. It's one of those tests where I really don't know how I did, but at this point I dont really care because Im just glad its over. The next beast to tackle? Statistics on Wed night. Lordy Lordy. I distinctly remember telling myself in undergrad "dont worry, just knock out these stupid classes and you will never have to see another stats or economics book again!"...riiiight.
In other news I feel somewhat human at the moment thanks to my old pal Dimetapp.Yep, that's right, I'm 25 years old and yummy grape dimetapp seems to be the only thing to cure a cold for me. Ive tried every adult medicine they sell it seems and nothing ever works as quickly. The sucky part is that I go through a bottle pretty much in 1.5 days, since my dose is so high...which makes for a pricey cure.
Ok well I just got distracted doing something else and now I completely forgot my train of thought...if there ever really was one. I'm starving right now and the only thing I want to eat is pumpkin bread--which if course, I dont possess at the moment. Did anyone see "The Machinist" this past weekend? I'm hoping its really good. Even after all the weight loss I still think Christian Bale is just as hot as can be, and Im normally not attracted to guys that have smaller waistlines than I do. For you Mr. Bale, I will make the exception.
It's starting to feel all holiday-ish around here these days. I have to admit there is a bit of homesickness going on, but not too much, just for my family. It just makes me more excited to go home for Thanksgiving- Ill be there for 7 days, woohoo! This weekend is Halloween, one of my most favorite holidays, and my stinking law professor made our midterm the very next day. Terrific. So much for a crazy crazy halloween night. I guess I might just have to settle for one "crazy", if any at all. I'm pissed that Im not dressing up, but of course I left it to the last minute and there is no way I have time to look for a costume this week. Better luck next year.
Well its almost 10pm, so according to my bizarre eating schedule, its time to eat dinner.
In other news I feel somewhat human at the moment thanks to my old pal Dimetapp.Yep, that's right, I'm 25 years old and yummy grape dimetapp seems to be the only thing to cure a cold for me. Ive tried every adult medicine they sell it seems and nothing ever works as quickly. The sucky part is that I go through a bottle pretty much in 1.5 days, since my dose is so high...which makes for a pricey cure.
Grape-ity Goodness ----->
Ok well I just got distracted doing something else and now I completely forgot my train of thought...if there ever really was one. I'm starving right now and the only thing I want to eat is pumpkin bread--which if course, I dont possess at the moment. Did anyone see "The Machinist" this past weekend? I'm hoping its really good. Even after all the weight loss I still think Christian Bale is just as hot as can be, and Im normally not attracted to guys that have smaller waistlines than I do. For you Mr. Bale, I will make the exception.
It's starting to feel all holiday-ish around here these days. I have to admit there is a bit of homesickness going on, but not too much, just for my family. It just makes me more excited to go home for Thanksgiving- Ill be there for 7 days, woohoo! This weekend is Halloween, one of my most favorite holidays, and my stinking law professor made our midterm the very next day. Terrific. So much for a crazy crazy halloween night. I guess I might just have to settle for one "crazy", if any at all. I'm pissed that Im not dressing up, but of course I left it to the last minute and there is no way I have time to look for a costume this week. Better luck next year.
Well its almost 10pm, so according to my bizarre eating schedule, its time to eat dinner.
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Great Show
So yesterday I managed to score 2 tickets to the sold out Death Cab for Cutie concert at the Roseland ballroom. Wow, what a great show. I have to admit I was not a hardcore fan before entering, only knowing a few songs thanks to my sister Leah, but I definitely feel like a true fan now. Benjamin Gibbard's voice transcends you into this state of sublime serenity. They sounded great live. I would have liked to get a closer look, but the place was packed with people, most of whom I am older than by at least 4 years. There was quite a mix of characters there though, and oh, someone has got to tell these young boys that making your hair look like you showered with pennzoil and then slapping a hood on it - will definitely not get the ladies, except the nasties.
It's amazing too how much older these younger kids look. I saw this one guy that I thought was cute and pointed him out to my roommate, where she responded with, "Laura, he's like 16".....ouch. Have I now entered the phase of life in which I could be "too old" for someone? Apparently so. Yuck.
All in all it was a cool night though. Paul Scheer was hanging out next to us enjoying the show. You might remember him as one of the panelists on VH1's "Best Week Ever". He's the one with the space between his teeth. Seemed like a cool guy and managed to hook it up with a lady friend quite quickly. Impressive.
Well its a gorgeous Saturday here in NYC and if I want to make it out to the Washington Square Festival today, then my ass has to start studying.
Hope youre having a terrif weekend.
It's amazing too how much older these younger kids look. I saw this one guy that I thought was cute and pointed him out to my roommate, where she responded with, "Laura, he's like 16".....ouch. Have I now entered the phase of life in which I could be "too old" for someone? Apparently so. Yuck.
All in all it was a cool night though. Paul Scheer was hanging out next to us enjoying the show. You might remember him as one of the panelists on VH1's "Best Week Ever". He's the one with the space between his teeth. Seemed like a cool guy and managed to hook it up with a lady friend quite quickly. Impressive.
Well its a gorgeous Saturday here in NYC and if I want to make it out to the Washington Square Festival today, then my ass has to start studying.
Hope youre having a terrif weekend.
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Day 3 of eating food that has no taste
Day 3 of sickness continues today, although I must say I am gradually improving. I have my appetite back, which is good, but everything I eat, no matter how delicious, tastes bland. Oh well, small price to pay I guess.
Well I've been studying accounting for the past 3 hours and its definitely time to take a break. As I was studying in my room, removed from the outside world....the world decided to sneak its way back in. I have my window open because the fresh air is delectable and I sat back for a second to just...listen. Down below I can hear friendly banter of the restaurant patrons in the garden seating area as well as a waitress describing tonights specials...which all sounded fabulous. I hear the wind blow the branches of the trees and the tarp that covers this building next to us. Then I hear someone playing that old Pink Floyd Song..."we don't need no education....." - except it was weird because I couldn't hear the background music, just the vocals, so it really sounded like there was just a group of kids around the corner singing the song. Kinda neato. I love my neighborhood.
As for the filming down the street that I mentioned... I stopped by there on my way back from class and it looked like they were getting ready to film- lights were all in position, a buffet had been setup for the actors, and people were looking over the script. However, since it was pretty cold and rainy, and I was sick...I didnt stick around too long.
Alrighty, well Im still thinking in the form of debits and credits and apparently am unable to complete a decent post.
Until next time....
Well I've been studying accounting for the past 3 hours and its definitely time to take a break. As I was studying in my room, removed from the outside world....the world decided to sneak its way back in. I have my window open because the fresh air is delectable and I sat back for a second to just...listen. Down below I can hear friendly banter of the restaurant patrons in the garden seating area as well as a waitress describing tonights specials...which all sounded fabulous. I hear the wind blow the branches of the trees and the tarp that covers this building next to us. Then I hear someone playing that old Pink Floyd Song..."we don't need no education....." - except it was weird because I couldn't hear the background music, just the vocals, so it really sounded like there was just a group of kids around the corner singing the song. Kinda neato. I love my neighborhood.
As for the filming down the street that I mentioned... I stopped by there on my way back from class and it looked like they were getting ready to film- lights were all in position, a buffet had been setup for the actors, and people were looking over the script. However, since it was pretty cold and rainy, and I was sick...I didnt stick around too long.
Alrighty, well Im still thinking in the form of debits and credits and apparently am unable to complete a decent post.
Until next time....
Monday, October 18, 2004
My throat is itchy
So just this morning I was boasting about how I never ever get sick, and then tonight, right after dinner I felt the little scratch monsters in my throat come alive. I should go out a get medicine just in case, but after being out all day I decided that drinking half a quart of orange juice would be just as helpful. We shall see.
It was quite the fun weekend I must say. Lots of random independent events, and all were enjoyable. I ended up seeing "Team America" and no it was not my idea. Man that movie was crazy. Just when you think they arent going to mutilate another puppet, they throw in the sex scenes. To get the full effect, you must see it yourself, it cannot be described.
In an attempt to de-roast my room, I've propped open one of my windows with a shampoo bottle. Ghetto fabulous. For those of you that dont recall, we have one heater in the apartment, located in my room, runs constantly and unnecessarily, turning my room into a crockpot...and yes, I have no control over the temperature or the "on and off" feature. Now with my new propped feature, I am just awaiting the day when the bottle slips and falls into the garden seating area of the restaurant below....preferably in someone's eggs benedict, that would be perfect.
In "cool news", the asian restaurant at the end of my street will be closed tomorrow because they will be filming part of Uma Thurman's new movie "Prime". Not too much info on it yet, but Meryl Streep also stars. Needless to say I wont be getting much schoolwork done tomorrow. They better film before I have to go to class.
Well im trying to get myself back on a normal sleep schedule, so I suppose its time to force myself to get sleepy.
***Update.... I just realized that Bryan Greenberg is playing Uma's romantic interest! Yay! I have thought this guy was so adorable ever since I saw him on One Tree Hill. Its kinda hard to imagine him having chemistry with Uma, mostly because I can only picture her in that yellow jumpsuit kicking ass, but you never know.
It was quite the fun weekend I must say. Lots of random independent events, and all were enjoyable. I ended up seeing "Team America" and no it was not my idea. Man that movie was crazy. Just when you think they arent going to mutilate another puppet, they throw in the sex scenes. To get the full effect, you must see it yourself, it cannot be described.
In an attempt to de-roast my room, I've propped open one of my windows with a shampoo bottle. Ghetto fabulous. For those of you that dont recall, we have one heater in the apartment, located in my room, runs constantly and unnecessarily, turning my room into a crockpot...and yes, I have no control over the temperature or the "on and off" feature. Now with my new propped feature, I am just awaiting the day when the bottle slips and falls into the garden seating area of the restaurant below....preferably in someone's eggs benedict, that would be perfect.
In "cool news", the asian restaurant at the end of my street will be closed tomorrow because they will be filming part of Uma Thurman's new movie "Prime". Not too much info on it yet, but Meryl Streep also stars. Needless to say I wont be getting much schoolwork done tomorrow. They better film before I have to go to class.
Well im trying to get myself back on a normal sleep schedule, so I suppose its time to force myself to get sleepy.
***Update.... I just realized that Bryan Greenberg is playing Uma's romantic interest! Yay! I have thought this guy was so adorable ever since I saw him on One Tree Hill. Its kinda hard to imagine him having chemistry with Uma, mostly because I can only picture her in that yellow jumpsuit kicking ass, but you never know.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Father knows best... (best places to get prostitutes that is)
So I read today that prominent director Oliver Stone told Playboy magazine that thanks to his dad, he lost his virginity to a prostitute. Apparently young Stone spent most of his time in all male boarding schools and didnt have a chance to really "befriend" a young woman. Does anyone else think this is odd? Its not the first time Ive heard about something like this, but I cant remember when the other time was. I guess the father/son relationship must be pretty close because I really can't picture a father going up to the son and being like "Hey son, have you had sex yet? Yeah, I didnt think so, lets take a drive". So what happens after the sex? Does the son come home and tell the father all about it, like it was some field trip or something? Does the mother know about it? Its all very weird. Maybe its just a whole dimension into the father/son portal that I have not been exposed to.
Speaking of sex..or lack thereof, I finally put the pictures up on my wall above my bed today. This is a clear sign that the good nights of Mr. NYC are now gone, with no more chance of these pics falling down. Yep, back to me and my stuffed animal watching cruddy late night tv together. Hooray for being single! Speaking of single... (last time I use that phrase I swear)...I am none too impressed with the men of NYC so far. Sure there is a cute one here and there, but definitely not as many as I anticipated. We were at a local bar last night watching the game and the Red Sox fans were cleary much more attractive than the Yankees fans. The Sox fans were more boyish and laid back, wearing baseball caps atop their shaggy hair. Kinda reminded me of Eddie Cahill. Ok, maybe a straw wrapper could remind me of Eddie Cahill if I wanted it to, but you get the type I'm referring to. The Yankees fans on the other hand were real, whats the word...prissy looking? They were all decked out in their leather jackets and their chains, and wearing far too much cologne. Sure this is just a random sample of people, but the divide was too clear to ignore last night.
Alrighty, its 11pm and Im bored out of my mind. No way in hell am I starting any homework, my brain shuts down around 8:30. Its freaking hot in my room too. The one radiator in the whole apartment and it happens to be in my room. Its like I'm living in my own little crockpot. Cruddy tv time, buenos noches....
ps- for those of you who have asked for my pic, I finally decided to put one up on my profile...enjoy! (but not too much).
Speaking of sex..or lack thereof, I finally put the pictures up on my wall above my bed today. This is a clear sign that the good nights of Mr. NYC are now gone, with no more chance of these pics falling down. Yep, back to me and my stuffed animal watching cruddy late night tv together. Hooray for being single! Speaking of single... (last time I use that phrase I swear)...I am none too impressed with the men of NYC so far. Sure there is a cute one here and there, but definitely not as many as I anticipated. We were at a local bar last night watching the game and the Red Sox fans were cleary much more attractive than the Yankees fans. The Sox fans were more boyish and laid back, wearing baseball caps atop their shaggy hair. Kinda reminded me of Eddie Cahill. Ok, maybe a straw wrapper could remind me of Eddie Cahill if I wanted it to, but you get the type I'm referring to. The Yankees fans on the other hand were real, whats the word...prissy looking? They were all decked out in their leather jackets and their chains, and wearing far too much cologne. Sure this is just a random sample of people, but the divide was too clear to ignore last night.
Alrighty, its 11pm and Im bored out of my mind. No way in hell am I starting any homework, my brain shuts down around 8:30. Its freaking hot in my room too. The one radiator in the whole apartment and it happens to be in my room. Its like I'm living in my own little crockpot. Cruddy tv time, buenos noches....
ps- for those of you who have asked for my pic, I finally decided to put one up on my profile...enjoy! (but not too much).
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
No turning back now...
Well this morning I woke up to some weird noise, something I hadn't heard before coming from my room. The heat kicked on for the first time. Being from Florida the "heat" button on the thermostat is one that is rarely pushed if ever. Now of course we dont have a thermostat since I live in a 100+ year old apartment, so Im not really sure what it takes to turn on the heat, but after looking at the next weeks worth of forecasts I am guessing I wont be using the A/C again for a looong time. Looks like its time for me to purchase the winter necessities...only one problem, Im not really sure what they are. Everyone seems to have a different opinion of what I need. One person tells me that longjohns are a necessity, the other says they are a waste. So I guess it will be trial and error.
Here is my list of a few events that I look forward to and dread for this winter:
Looking forward to...
Here is my list of a few events that I look forward to and dread for this winter:
Looking forward to...
- Skating in Rockefeller Center
- Laying in my bed watching the snow fall outside my window
- Hot Chocolate (finally I have something to buy at Starbucks!)
- Going home for family time
- Snuggle time with __________ (most likely my stuffed animal)
- Wearing coats and sweaters purchased years ago in hopes I would one day use them
- Static Electricity
- The fact that I have no tread on pretty much any footwear that I own
- Looking like a doughball in whatever cold weather ensemble I put on
- Getting into the habit of talking myself out of shaving my legs ("well its not like anyone will be touching your legs anyways..."
- and of course, everyones favorite, the "winter weight gain" I have heard oh so much about, yay!
ps- Im looking for some good walking shoes, like pumas, asics,roos, etc....but here's the catch- I dont want to have to sell a major organ to get the money to pay for them. Anyone know of any good places? Grazi in advance.
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Reason #443 why I am destined to not have a boyfriend
So this morning I was walking around in a tank top, lightweight pants, and flipfops. By 4pm, still out shopping, the temp had dropped by a lot and I was freezing...and still quite far from my apartment. I ended up buying a shirt from Old Navy for the walk home, at this point not caring what matched and what didnt. I was looking nicely disheveled, wearing green pants, a black tank, and a long sleeve yellow shirt over it. So of course what only happens to Laura when she doesnt want it to? I meet some neighbors, some handsome neighbors- just as I enter the building. Nevermind all the times Ive gotten dressed up to go out or even just blowdryed my hair, nope this was obviously the best time to be introduced. The kicker? When I got into my apartment and saw that the old navy size sticker, you know those long clear ones...yep, nicely still attached to my shirt. Priceless.
Meanwhile...Ive been trying to ween myself off of the idea that my NYC now LA guy was just "it" for me. Unfortunately for someone who doesn't really fall in love that often, I know he was it. After a week with only one brief email from him, I tried to tell myself that he will obviously move on and that I cant compete with LA, or LA girls for that matter. I tried to focus on other things, other things that didnt relate to him. This of course is hard when many of my first memories of living here are all with him. My whole neighborhood is like a scrapbook of our time together. Every restaurant, every street, everything, even my room...its weird. So anyways, I was trying to force myself to forget about him...and then it happened. He calls, and we talk for a while, and he is every bit as wonderful as I always knew he was, and he's telling me things that are going on there, and I hear his words, but in my head I am thinking--oh my God, I love you. Its just playing over and over in my head. Yea so isnt that fantastic? Shoot me.
The thing that sucks is that I wasnt looking for anything at all when I came here and the idea of actually not being attached was exciting in such an amazing city. That all changed the moment I met him, and now I see it all in a different light. I see how things are, and Im happy, but now Ive been exposed to this "ultra-happiness" like when he was here, and nothing compares. The city sparkles a little less without him and theres not much I can do about it. I know all this crap happens for a reason, I just hope this reason presents itself soon.
Meanwhile, if you feel like providing me with a nice distraction, I will take a night out with any of the following:
Jason Lee
Hugh Grant
Christian Bale
Raoul Bova
Chris Carrabba
Meanwhile...Ive been trying to ween myself off of the idea that my NYC now LA guy was just "it" for me. Unfortunately for someone who doesn't really fall in love that often, I know he was it. After a week with only one brief email from him, I tried to tell myself that he will obviously move on and that I cant compete with LA, or LA girls for that matter. I tried to focus on other things, other things that didnt relate to him. This of course is hard when many of my first memories of living here are all with him. My whole neighborhood is like a scrapbook of our time together. Every restaurant, every street, everything, even my room...its weird. So anyways, I was trying to force myself to forget about him...and then it happened. He calls, and we talk for a while, and he is every bit as wonderful as I always knew he was, and he's telling me things that are going on there, and I hear his words, but in my head I am thinking--oh my God, I love you. Its just playing over and over in my head. Yea so isnt that fantastic? Shoot me.
The thing that sucks is that I wasnt looking for anything at all when I came here and the idea of actually not being attached was exciting in such an amazing city. That all changed the moment I met him, and now I see it all in a different light. I see how things are, and Im happy, but now Ive been exposed to this "ultra-happiness" like when he was here, and nothing compares. The city sparkles a little less without him and theres not much I can do about it. I know all this crap happens for a reason, I just hope this reason presents itself soon.
Meanwhile, if you feel like providing me with a nice distraction, I will take a night out with any of the following:
Jason Lee
Hugh Grant
Christian Bale
Raoul Bova
Chris Carrabba
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
"Great spirits always encounter violent opposition from mediocre minds." Albert Einstein
So as far as the daily news, I've been pretty out of the loop since I moved here. Well, maybe not out of the loop, but I use to know things before most people did because I read so many sites, but now I dont have time to do so. Anyways, this morning I got up and went to and was perusing when I came across this article.
Jim DeMint, a Republican third-term congressman running for the Senate from South Carolina apparently has a little list going of who he thinks is fit or isnt fit to teach in the public school system. Most notably stated, he says that homosexuals should not be allowed to teach.....and most recently stated, if you are a pregnant woman with a live-in boyfriend, you should not be allowed to teach.
Now, I am a very open-minded person and one that has never had any kind of issue with homosexuality so in my mind these ideals that he has are completely ludicrous. How can one say that because of sexual orientation that they are not fit to expand minds and make differences in children's lives? How can one say that because of situations that they may not understand or may not even be aware of that they are automatically a poor role model to children?
I've never been into politics, as a matter of fact, I despise politics, but if this is how the majority of Republicans seem to think, then I am proud to be a Democrat. Some amazing minds are homosexuals. They are playrights, council members, Pulitzer-prize winning poets, novelists, filmmakers, breast-cancer surgeons, naval officers (yes I am naming actual people). To say that these people are bad role models to children is nuts. It is just my opinion, but if your kid is destined to be gay, he/she is going to be gay. Not having a homosexual teacher teach him/her will not change the outcome of their sexual orientation. I've never thought homosexuality was wrong, and I say this as a Catholic. I know the church doesnt agree, but its not the first thing I dont agree with the Catholic church about. In my opinion, nothing makes God more happy than when 2 people, any 2 people, are joined together through love. Argue if you want, but thats how I feel.
As far as the statement made about single pregnant women.....
Who are these people to judge that because of a particular situation one is in, that automatically defines your character and morals? Do they think that none of these children come from single parent homes? If this is so frowned upon to the point that children should not be exposed to these people as role models, what are these kids suppose to think about their own parents that are in similar situations? Should a woman be denied to teach if she is pregnant and her fiance leaves her? What if the woman is artificially inseminated with no desire to every marry, what then? Does her Masters in Education and all of her field work mean nothing?
I know that nothing like this will ever pass, at least I hope not, but the fact that someone can even utter such a close-minded statement is beyond me. The fact that he has backers is also mildly disturbing.
Jim DeMint, a Republican third-term congressman running for the Senate from South Carolina apparently has a little list going of who he thinks is fit or isnt fit to teach in the public school system. Most notably stated, he says that homosexuals should not be allowed to teach.....and most recently stated, if you are a pregnant woman with a live-in boyfriend, you should not be allowed to teach.
Now, I am a very open-minded person and one that has never had any kind of issue with homosexuality so in my mind these ideals that he has are completely ludicrous. How can one say that because of sexual orientation that they are not fit to expand minds and make differences in children's lives? How can one say that because of situations that they may not understand or may not even be aware of that they are automatically a poor role model to children?
I've never been into politics, as a matter of fact, I despise politics, but if this is how the majority of Republicans seem to think, then I am proud to be a Democrat. Some amazing minds are homosexuals. They are playrights, council members, Pulitzer-prize winning poets, novelists, filmmakers, breast-cancer surgeons, naval officers (yes I am naming actual people). To say that these people are bad role models to children is nuts. It is just my opinion, but if your kid is destined to be gay, he/she is going to be gay. Not having a homosexual teacher teach him/her will not change the outcome of their sexual orientation. I've never thought homosexuality was wrong, and I say this as a Catholic. I know the church doesnt agree, but its not the first thing I dont agree with the Catholic church about. In my opinion, nothing makes God more happy than when 2 people, any 2 people, are joined together through love. Argue if you want, but thats how I feel.
As far as the statement made about single pregnant women.....
Who are these people to judge that because of a particular situation one is in, that automatically defines your character and morals? Do they think that none of these children come from single parent homes? If this is so frowned upon to the point that children should not be exposed to these people as role models, what are these kids suppose to think about their own parents that are in similar situations? Should a woman be denied to teach if she is pregnant and her fiance leaves her? What if the woman is artificially inseminated with no desire to every marry, what then? Does her Masters in Education and all of her field work mean nothing?
I know that nothing like this will ever pass, at least I hope not, but the fact that someone can even utter such a close-minded statement is beyond me. The fact that he has backers is also mildly disturbing.
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Busy Little Bee
Well this blog is a lot harder to keep up now that I live here. It was much easier when I was just sitting at my desk at work thinking of different reasons why I should get up and take the elevator somewhere. Ahh the good old days. Yea right.
So I've been super busy lately. School is a bitch, but I really like my classes. The atmosphere of the MBA program is really fun and it kind of feels like highschool again because everyone knows each other. Ive been try to keep busy with school functions too and was elected as the Director of Technology for the Media and Entertainment Alliance- Fordham's largest grad club, so that was really cool.
My roommate and I have kept pretty busy trying to take in all the NYC that we can...maybe even too much, my funds are rapidly depleting. I cant wait until the Spring when I can have a job. This past Saturday we got free tickets to this off Broadway show called "Birdy's Bachelorette Party". Its from the co-creator of Tony and Tina's Wedding. It was pretty cool, all interactive. I definitely recommend it for bachelorette parties, thats for sure. Lots of males, lots of dancing, and lots of drinking. Of course, the prices of the drinks definitely forfeited the benefits of the free tickets, but oh well.
Last Friday I made it out to Central Park for the first time since Ive been here. Sheep's Meadow looked like a movie set, it was so picturesque. I laid on the grass listening to my ipod (which by the way was an excellent purchase, I use it all the time).. and let the sun bake my skin. The breeze was slight and refreshing. It was all so pleasant. Once in a while I find myself in a situation or a place that just makes me think, "God I love this city". That was definitely one of them.
Well back to the studies for now.
So I've been super busy lately. School is a bitch, but I really like my classes. The atmosphere of the MBA program is really fun and it kind of feels like highschool again because everyone knows each other. Ive been try to keep busy with school functions too and was elected as the Director of Technology for the Media and Entertainment Alliance- Fordham's largest grad club, so that was really cool.
My roommate and I have kept pretty busy trying to take in all the NYC that we can...maybe even too much, my funds are rapidly depleting. I cant wait until the Spring when I can have a job. This past Saturday we got free tickets to this off Broadway show called "Birdy's Bachelorette Party". Its from the co-creator of Tony and Tina's Wedding. It was pretty cool, all interactive. I definitely recommend it for bachelorette parties, thats for sure. Lots of males, lots of dancing, and lots of drinking. Of course, the prices of the drinks definitely forfeited the benefits of the free tickets, but oh well.
Last Friday I made it out to Central Park for the first time since Ive been here. Sheep's Meadow looked like a movie set, it was so picturesque. I laid on the grass listening to my ipod (which by the way was an excellent purchase, I use it all the time).. and let the sun bake my skin. The breeze was slight and refreshing. It was all so pleasant. Once in a while I find myself in a situation or a place that just makes me think, "God I love this city". That was definitely one of them.
Well back to the studies for now.
Friday, September 24, 2004
A little too much power
Well, one judgement I have made up here so far is that bouncers have a little too much power. Back in Orlando, these so-called bouncers were people my age that just happened to be slightly bigger than the average person. Here, its a profession. Not that I didnt know this, but I guess after the experience last night, Im just a little pissy.
So me and a group of friends from school went out last night to a few bars. We were hopping around from place to place and ended up at this bar called The Joshua Tree, where every single one of us got in no problem except for one of our male friends who the bouncer announced that he had had too much to drink and he couldnt come in. Now first of all, yes we had been bar-hopping, but none of us were drunk, especially him. I was already inside when this news came across so I went back out to see what the hell was going on. The bouncer said it one more time and then left and changed shifts with this other dude who was an even bigger dick. Our friend was asking him, "ok thats fine that you wont let me in, but seriously, why is it that you think im so drunk?". He was completely polite about it, but the bouncer would just freak out and yell "Hey! Im going with his decision because he does this for a living, so just shut the fuck up". Ok first of all, not cool. This is when all the blood goes to my fists and I have the urge to punch. There is no reason to be an ass and I told him that and then I furthermore told my friends that I wouldnt go into a bar that employed such dumbasses to guard the door. Well Mr. Bouncer didnt like that, but I didnt care, so anyways long story short, we left and decided to go to the bar right next door. So we are all going in and BAM, he stops the guy..."youve had too much". We are all like "youve got to be fucking kidding me". We know why this time, its because he watched the whole ordeal next door and wasnt about to rule against that. So gay. So we left and as we walked out yet another door I gave a piece of advice to the bouncer saying "im pretty sure you have a brain, so you can probably stop borrowing his" (pointing to the bouncer next door). I am so going to get killed in this city. Kisses!
So me and a group of friends from school went out last night to a few bars. We were hopping around from place to place and ended up at this bar called The Joshua Tree, where every single one of us got in no problem except for one of our male friends who the bouncer announced that he had had too much to drink and he couldnt come in. Now first of all, yes we had been bar-hopping, but none of us were drunk, especially him. I was already inside when this news came across so I went back out to see what the hell was going on. The bouncer said it one more time and then left and changed shifts with this other dude who was an even bigger dick. Our friend was asking him, "ok thats fine that you wont let me in, but seriously, why is it that you think im so drunk?". He was completely polite about it, but the bouncer would just freak out and yell "Hey! Im going with his decision because he does this for a living, so just shut the fuck up". Ok first of all, not cool. This is when all the blood goes to my fists and I have the urge to punch. There is no reason to be an ass and I told him that and then I furthermore told my friends that I wouldnt go into a bar that employed such dumbasses to guard the door. Well Mr. Bouncer didnt like that, but I didnt care, so anyways long story short, we left and decided to go to the bar right next door. So we are all going in and BAM, he stops the guy..."youve had too much". We are all like "youve got to be fucking kidding me". We know why this time, its because he watched the whole ordeal next door and wasnt about to rule against that. So gay. So we left and as we walked out yet another door I gave a piece of advice to the bouncer saying "im pretty sure you have a brain, so you can probably stop borrowing his" (pointing to the bouncer next door). I am so going to get killed in this city. Kisses!
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Its 3rd year of college all over again, except in a much cooler city
Well its 12:30 here and I just woke up, how wonderful is that? You know those nights that you have when you think you are just going out for dinner and then it turns into this whole thing and you dont end up home until pretty late, etc? Well that has been pretty much every experience of going out in NYC. Even before we had officially moved here, a couple of drinks after dinner led to making all these new friends, meeting my NYC guy, and returning home at 6:30 am.
Last night was another one of those nights. My roommate Ann had to fly home to Florida this morning to help her family move, and her flight was at 5:45, so the shuttle was set to pick her up at 3:30am. So we went to dinner after class and we had the slowest waiter on earth and I am quite sure that we were the only people there that didnt speak Italian. Anyways, it took forever to get our food, but meanwhile we had been downing the wine. Anyways, after dinner we decided (the wine decided) that Ann should just stay up all night drinking until the shuttle came. So we went off to this bar where about 5 minutes after we sat we were approached by this guy shouting his resume. Now, Im not use to this from Florida, but I swear if he told us one more time that "I work on Wallstreet, so its all good"...I would have had to punch him. So what? You work on Wallstreet, whoopity doo, so do a billion other people. I guess I still have to grow accustomed to this. My friend Brian says that he thinks that a lot of the girls here are very concerned with stature and money when it comes to men, that I dont know, but it is becomming more likely just due to this outburst of resume we always seem to get. Hello men of NYC, my name is Laura and I dont care where you work, how important you are or how much money you have. Sure you have to have goals and all that, but the next time one of you blurts out about this fancy shmancy club you went to last week and how you could "get us in", I cant guarantee I wont laugh.
So anyways, after meeting 2 nice guys from Rutgers and playing a little "beirut" (is that how you spell it?)- we had 30 minutes on the clock to get back to the apartment and get her stuff ready. Well we decided that was too much time and that we needed some pizza, so off to Joe's Pizza where there these 2 guys came up to us to chat. Well long story short I found myself in this conversation:
Guy: So do you smoke weed?
Me: haha (are we still in highschool?) Nope, I dont
Guy: Well I smoke weed all the time, 24/7, you can tell by my eyes
Me: Actually, I cant tell at all by your eyes
Guy: So do you want to hang out tomorrow?
Me: Umm, well I have class ( I dont have class)
Guy: what time
Me: 2:40 (pulling a time out of my ass)
Guy:I'll call you at 4
Me: ok (shit!)
See this is the thing, Ann and I would never have normally given out our real numbers if we didnt want to, but here we have and I dont know why. I think its because of the possibility of bumping into these people again (which has happened). Oh well, with my new system of putting their name in my phone and a "DNA" (Do not answer) next to it, it works just fine.
So anyways we made it home and Ann got her drunk ass on the shuttle and I passed out in bed. Tonight I'm meeting up with some school friends for this free BBQ and beer thing at school for Grads and then some bar, I forget the name. Should be fun.
As for now, I desperately need some food and to get out of the apartment.
Last night was another one of those nights. My roommate Ann had to fly home to Florida this morning to help her family move, and her flight was at 5:45, so the shuttle was set to pick her up at 3:30am. So we went to dinner after class and we had the slowest waiter on earth and I am quite sure that we were the only people there that didnt speak Italian. Anyways, it took forever to get our food, but meanwhile we had been downing the wine. Anyways, after dinner we decided (the wine decided) that Ann should just stay up all night drinking until the shuttle came. So we went off to this bar where about 5 minutes after we sat we were approached by this guy shouting his resume. Now, Im not use to this from Florida, but I swear if he told us one more time that "I work on Wallstreet, so its all good"...I would have had to punch him. So what? You work on Wallstreet, whoopity doo, so do a billion other people. I guess I still have to grow accustomed to this. My friend Brian says that he thinks that a lot of the girls here are very concerned with stature and money when it comes to men, that I dont know, but it is becomming more likely just due to this outburst of resume we always seem to get. Hello men of NYC, my name is Laura and I dont care where you work, how important you are or how much money you have. Sure you have to have goals and all that, but the next time one of you blurts out about this fancy shmancy club you went to last week and how you could "get us in", I cant guarantee I wont laugh.
So anyways, after meeting 2 nice guys from Rutgers and playing a little "beirut" (is that how you spell it?)- we had 30 minutes on the clock to get back to the apartment and get her stuff ready. Well we decided that was too much time and that we needed some pizza, so off to Joe's Pizza where there these 2 guys came up to us to chat. Well long story short I found myself in this conversation:
Guy: So do you smoke weed?
Me: haha (are we still in highschool?) Nope, I dont
Guy: Well I smoke weed all the time, 24/7, you can tell by my eyes
Me: Actually, I cant tell at all by your eyes
Guy: So do you want to hang out tomorrow?
Me: Umm, well I have class ( I dont have class)
Guy: what time
Me: 2:40 (pulling a time out of my ass)
Guy:I'll call you at 4
Me: ok (shit!)
See this is the thing, Ann and I would never have normally given out our real numbers if we didnt want to, but here we have and I dont know why. I think its because of the possibility of bumping into these people again (which has happened). Oh well, with my new system of putting their name in my phone and a "DNA" (Do not answer) next to it, it works just fine.
So anyways we made it home and Ann got her drunk ass on the shuttle and I passed out in bed. Tonight I'm meeting up with some school friends for this free BBQ and beer thing at school for Grads and then some bar, I forget the name. Should be fun.
As for now, I desperately need some food and to get out of the apartment.
Monday, September 20, 2004
What happened to those classes that were 45 minutes? Oh yea, that was highschool.
So I somehow managed to survive 4 hours of accounting and 2 hours of law today. Havent these teachers ever heard of that interesting tidbit of research that states that students lose all capacity to retain knowledge after something like 25 minutes? Well apparently not. My brain is officially fried today.
The flight back yesterday wasn't too bad except for my layover in Cinncinatti. I dont handle layovers well. I should just sit and read but instead I wander around spending money like I have it or something. In the 1.5 hour layover I had I managed to spend $20 on greeting cards and $5 on a TCBY Shiver, half of which I through away. Go me.
The weather was gorgeous here today, it was like a high of 68, perfect picnic in the park weather. Ive got to do something fun this weekend that will get my mind off the fact that Mr. NYC flew out to L.A. today. Im sure I'll come up with something. My roommate Ann saw Mario today in Washington Square Park setting up for some big dinner. Some bum told her that it was a party for Nicole Kidman. Riiiiiiight.
Alrighty, well its midnight and Ive got one month of free movie channels so im going to go get my moneys worth from those Time Warner bastards. Nighty poo.
The flight back yesterday wasn't too bad except for my layover in Cinncinatti. I dont handle layovers well. I should just sit and read but instead I wander around spending money like I have it or something. In the 1.5 hour layover I had I managed to spend $20 on greeting cards and $5 on a TCBY Shiver, half of which I through away. Go me.
The weather was gorgeous here today, it was like a high of 68, perfect picnic in the park weather. Ive got to do something fun this weekend that will get my mind off the fact that Mr. NYC flew out to L.A. today. Im sure I'll come up with something. My roommate Ann saw Mario today in Washington Square Park setting up for some big dinner. Some bum told her that it was a party for Nicole Kidman. Riiiiiiight.
Alrighty, well its midnight and Ive got one month of free movie channels so im going to go get my moneys worth from those Time Warner bastards. Nighty poo.
Thursday, September 16, 2004
It's about damn time!
Well hello, to my few faithful readers that are left. What a whirlwind the past month has been. I dont even know where to start. I just flew back into Florida today for the weekend because its my dad's 50th bday and we are throwing him a big bash. Its nice to be home, but its like a different world now, its weird. You go from so fast pace to just strolling along. I feel like I should be doing something or out somewhere, but I guess everyone needs time to just kind of relax. The apartment is finally complete. It took forever to get it how we wanted it, but it finally came together. I love my neighborhood so much. Its so fantastic and its just so alive. Aside from all the fabulous restaurants and stuff around, its just this feeling that you get when you walk around and you just know that there are all these crazy and interesting things going on, its great. Ok for some reason this computer wont let me make paragraphs so that why this is all jumbled together. Ive seen my NYC boy a lot, which has been terrific, but unfortunately I had to say goodbye to him this morning before my flight. I get back Sunday night and he leaves for L.A. early Monday. We talked forever about how it could work, and it would just be so hard, hes just so far away. Even holidays wouldnt work because he would go home to NY and I would go home to FL. It really sucks because we both have these awesome feelings for each other, but its kind of out of our hands. Of course we will stay in touch, but thats all we can really do right now. Oh well, who knows what the future holds right? School has been keeping me crazy busy, but that was to be expected. I feel like there is so much to experience in NYC that 2 years may not even be enough. Its crazy because I could walk down the same street everyday and still see things that I hadnt seen the day before. I love that aspect of the city. Its crazy how fast Ive become attached to the sights and sounds of a city that I never thought I would be a true part of. I guess I always just thought even when I lived there I would feel like a tourist. Not the case at all. I have grown use to so many little things in the neighborhood that it really makes me feel at home... the doorman down the street who I have a meet and greet with daily, the nice Indian guys that run the internet cafe around the corner, the guy that belts out random R&B songs somewhere around my building (Ive never actually seen him, but hes pretty good), the lady in my building who I assume is involved in theatre because she practices her opera singing daily, and lets not forget the couple in the building that has really loud sex at all hours of the day. We thought it was porn at first, but Im pretty sure its authentic. Yep, its all home to me. More to come soon...I'll be back in NYC on Sunday. Have a great weekend :)
Thursday, August 26, 2004
And so the next chapter begins...
Well I leave tomorrow morning bright and early for the big move to NYC. I have been packing up the truck for 2 days now and muscles I didnt even know I had are hurting. I should be there by sometime Saturday, but who knows when my internet will be up and running...hopefully soon. I know this blog has sucked for a few weeks now, but I should be right back on schedule once everything is set up after the move. See you soon :)
Friday, August 20, 2004
Way too early for all this drama
So Im plagued with this thing for the past year that doesnt allow me to sleep in after 8:30 am. I use to be a champ sleeper, going all the way until noon if I could, but now its gone. So since I am up everyday at this hour, but still too lazy to "start my day", I set myself in front of the tv. This is the first time in years that I dont have a job to go to, so I really have no idea what is on during a weekday. The answer to what is on, however, is crap. Utter and complete crap. For some reason the only thing of interest to watch at 9am is Elimidate. I really think that seeing slutty girls fight over some totally unworthy guy is not a way to start my day, but that show has some kind of magnetism to it. Its like a cant stop watching. Its funny, because as bitchy as some of the girls are, its the guy that I really hate. In the episode today I saw this guy getting ready to elimidate a girl in the first round. He said he couldnt decide who it should be and grabbed the girl next to him and made out with her for a sec. Then he put his hand on her face and pushed her off saying "you're elimdated". What a fucking prick. The saddest thing is that the other girls who still remain dont see anything wrong with his behavior. Its so grotesque, yet I cant stop watching. Then to complete my morning o' drama, Dawson's Creek comes on at 10. I use to be a big fan of this show, but now looking back on the episodes I so loyally watched, all of them end in this terrible state of depression. Very rarely does an episode end on good terms. Someone dies, 2 people get divorced, best friends are fighting, Joey cheats on Dawson...its just one upset after another. I guess it was probably easier to identify with stupid teen agnst, when I was a stupid teen, but now its just so, well, juvenile.
Alrighty, well I think I am going to go swimming. Have a good one.
Alrighty, well I think I am going to go swimming. Have a good one.
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Oh Dear God
Well Im sure some of you have seen this already....but seriously, this is the harriest mofo I've ever seen. The great thing is that he seems to be remarkably happy and have high aspirations for himself. Good for him. I've never been a lover of the hair, but its interesting to know that there is probably some woman out there that is turned on by this guy. People are wierd. Wherever she is, I hope they meet and have lots of hairy sex and babies.
On another note, Ive been hooked on the Olympics, which Im normally not. I dont know if you guys saw the US Mens swim relay last night, but it was kickass. We won a gold....well THEY won a gold, you know what I mean. I like womens gymnastics too. That girl Mohini is awesome I think, seems nice too.
Ok, well off to do more errands. T minus 9 days until the NYC move.
On another note, Ive been hooked on the Olympics, which Im normally not. I dont know if you guys saw the US Mens swim relay last night, but it was kickass. We won a gold....well THEY won a gold, you know what I mean. I like womens gymnastics too. That girl Mohini is awesome I think, seems nice too.
Ok, well off to do more errands. T minus 9 days until the NYC move.
Sunday, August 15, 2004
Life, love, and general boredom
Well its only been about 4 days since Ive been back home in Melbourne and Im starting to get a little stir crazy. For the first time in forever, I dont have a job to go to and since I havent lived in this city for like 4 years now, there arent many committments I have here, nothing I really "have" to do. There is only so much tv you can watch. I think a big part of it is coming from NYC on such a fast paced trip with a mission. Everyday we were out walking, looking at places, now every morning I am up early automatically, but with no real place to go. I could go shopping or something, but as I have no income coming in at the moment thats probably not smart. Im hoping that the weather will be nice so I can hit up the beach a few times this week and get all brown before the big move. (oh, by the way, the hurricane went just north of us thank goodness, we just got a lot of really bad storms).
So yea, thats pretty much whats going on these days. My NYC boy shared some great/shitty news with me the second night I saw him...he was accepted into UCLA's Graduate Film Program in Screenwriting...he moves to LA mid September :( It was really upsetting to hear, and it was kind of surprise to him because he was waitlisted and didnt really expect a seat to open up, but it did. Its an amazing opportunity for him, so I am happy for him in that way, but when he told me I felt like someone had punched me in the stomach. Due to the brevity of our relationship so far, it was suprising how we coped with this new twist in our was as if we had been together for a long time. The intensity that has been experienced so far is like nothing Ive ever felt before. For me to even have the thought that he might be "the one", is huge, and I knew it that night....about 2 hours before he shared this news with me. Is it possible to fall for someone so quickly? I never do. Maybe a crush, but this is no crush, this is no typical situation, it hasnt been from the start. The only thing Ive decided to do is be myself and not hold back. Life is too short to play by the rules of dating and games arent worth my time. I think if you feel something you should show it or say it, just put it out there...Ive kept quiet too long in the past and it just eats you up inside, you're own love of another eats you up. Doesnt seem fair. I dont know how this is going to work, but I want it to. Too bad Im only one side of the equation.
So yea, thats pretty much whats going on these days. My NYC boy shared some great/shitty news with me the second night I saw him...he was accepted into UCLA's Graduate Film Program in Screenwriting...he moves to LA mid September :( It was really upsetting to hear, and it was kind of surprise to him because he was waitlisted and didnt really expect a seat to open up, but it did. Its an amazing opportunity for him, so I am happy for him in that way, but when he told me I felt like someone had punched me in the stomach. Due to the brevity of our relationship so far, it was suprising how we coped with this new twist in our was as if we had been together for a long time. The intensity that has been experienced so far is like nothing Ive ever felt before. For me to even have the thought that he might be "the one", is huge, and I knew it that night....about 2 hours before he shared this news with me. Is it possible to fall for someone so quickly? I never do. Maybe a crush, but this is no crush, this is no typical situation, it hasnt been from the start. The only thing Ive decided to do is be myself and not hold back. Life is too short to play by the rules of dating and games arent worth my time. I think if you feel something you should show it or say it, just put it out there...Ive kept quiet too long in the past and it just eats you up inside, you're own love of another eats you up. Doesnt seem fair. I dont know how this is going to work, but I want it to. Too bad Im only one side of the equation.
Friday, August 13, 2004
Hurricane a' comin!
Ive not even been home for 2 days and the joy of hurricane season is all around. Yea so unless you are living in a hole and arent up on current news, Hurricane Charley is suppose to touch ground within the hour. We knew it was coming of course, but its recent shift east was a surprise. Its now up to a Category 4 which is pretty scary. All the candles are out, gallons of water are in the garage and everything from outside is now inside somewhere. The winds now are around 145mph and in my area we are expected to get around 100mph winds. The eye of the storm is like 12 miles wide and something like 1.8 million Floridians have been evacuated. Last time we had to evacutate was for Hurricane Floyd, and what a mess that was. An hour drive turned into about 8 hours sitting in gridlock on 95.
Well anyways, back to watching the news, hopefully it will lose strength quick
when it hits.
Signing off...
Well anyways, back to watching the news, hopefully it will lose strength quick
when it hits.
Signing off...
Monday, August 09, 2004
I have a home in NYC!!!!!
Well after an excruciating time looking for an apartment here (more detail later)....we finally found a place, and right where we had hoped it would be! We found a 2br apartment on Cornelia St. in the West Village and we couldnt be happier. It is the cutest street with so many things around it, I wouldnt even know where to start. The food on this street alone is amazing. We are right across the street from the Cornelia Street Cafe.We close on the apartment tomorrow at 3pm and then its time for drinks a plenty. I think I am beaming right now, what a relief. It is seriously so gorgeous of an area and the apartment is cute and small and definitely something we can make a home. It turns out my subway line is right around the corner and I dont have to switch at all. Washington Square Park was like a 4 minute walk from our place!! I took a few pics of our street and stuff, but Im still in NYC, so Ill upload them when I get home on Thursday.
PS- I met up with my NYC boy (smitten, remember?) was so perfect and wonderful. He is even cuter than I remembered and he brought his roommate that seemed to hit it off with my roommate Ann. It was a picturesque evening, and I had my first "kiss on a New York City street" in the midst of passing couples. I dont think I stopped smiling the whole way home. God I love this city.
More to come...
PS- I met up with my NYC boy (smitten, remember?) was so perfect and wonderful. He is even cuter than I remembered and he brought his roommate that seemed to hit it off with my roommate Ann. It was a picturesque evening, and I had my first "kiss on a New York City street" in the midst of passing couples. I dont think I stopped smiling the whole way home. God I love this city.
More to come...
Thursday, August 05, 2004
On the road again
Well my little trip to St. Augustine has come to an end and we should be getting on the road in an hour or two. It was a good time filled with many memorable moments as always. I really love how close my family is, sometimes I forget that not every family is like that.
Im not sure if I could live in a little city like this or not. I love the history and all that, but at night time, its just a little creepy around here. We decided to go on this walking ghost tour last night at like 8pm. We thought it would be fun. I had gone on one in Savannah years ago as well as on the "Jack the Ripper" tour in London, and both were enjoyable. So anyways, with St. Augustine being America's oldest city, we figured there would be some good stories. Plus, this tour had been featured on the travel channel and and discovery channel, so we figured it would be good. It was a rainy night to start, and at around 8pm the streets of the historic area become pretty barren as most shops have closed up. We went to a couple of Bed and Breakfasts and heard their stories of poltergeists and all that. It wasnt too scary up until that point because the tour lady kept going into extensive detail which got tiring. That was at least up until the graveyards. I've always thought that graveyards are creepy, but when you look at one that has been there for hundreds of years, it looks straight out of a horror movie. The fact that we stood right in the middle of the opening gates didnt help. She told us all of the stories regarding a few of the bodies that lay there. She pointed to this one little gravestone of a 5 year old boy and told us how he is frequently seen climbing this huge tree in front of us. Apparently they have captured this on film. The whole time we were standing there, with this tree's branches hanging over us I could not bring myself to look up at the tree, terrified at the though that my brain would make me see something that wasnt there.
So after that cemetary she led us to a few other places and we were now pretty deep into the heart of the historic district. I was joking with my sisters saying "what if she takes us to that last cemetary instead of where we started and then is just like 'ok everyone thats it, have a good night', and then leaves us stranded". We laughed it off because we knew it would never happen. Except that it did. After visiting the last cemetary she gaves us an "ok that its everyone, have a good night"....just as I was thinking, wtf she cant be serious. Well she was and headed off in her own little direction. The rest of the crowd went their separate ways and my sisters and I were left standing next to the graveyard. We sort of knew where we had to go, but it included walking down this old street that we had just come from....the same street that walked right next to the graveyard with the 5 yr old ghost...and the same street that at this point was dead silent and dark. We seriously had no idea where we were. Just when I was beginning to freak, my cell rang, it was my parents asking if the tour was over yet. I told them how we were standing in some street with no idea where to go. parents turned out to be right around the corner and we saw them immediately. That was a huge coincidence though....I mean of all streets they ended up on that one and the same exact time we did, at like 10 pm at night. The other thing I thought was weird was that I get no reception in the historic area, not even one bar, but when they called I had full service...and immediately after I had none. All in the same area. I think Ive got my fill of ghost tours for a while.
I wish I was just going home to do nothing for a week but soak up the sun on the beach, but I leave tomorrow morning for NYC as the apartment hunt moves into full force. From what Ive seen so far this week, there are very few 2 bedroom apartments for rent in the West Village. Apparently everyone has told Ann (who has been there for a few days already) that anyone who has a 2br in the WV most likely holds onto it, you know, for life. Super. So anyways, I guess now we are looking more in the East Village. There are definitely more places to rent there and they are more affordable, its just that my commute to school will suck. Is transferring subways really that bad? Everyone has told me to avoid it. Maybe it wont be that bad. I mean, I got to school three days a week, and none of those times are during rush hour. I guess Ill just wait and see.
Anyways, time to pack up my stuff, just so I can drive home and repack it. Wish me luck in nyc and that I dont get some shithole place.
Ps- We are staying in a friend's place while they are the financial district. Should be interesting.
Im not sure if I could live in a little city like this or not. I love the history and all that, but at night time, its just a little creepy around here. We decided to go on this walking ghost tour last night at like 8pm. We thought it would be fun. I had gone on one in Savannah years ago as well as on the "Jack the Ripper" tour in London, and both were enjoyable. So anyways, with St. Augustine being America's oldest city, we figured there would be some good stories. Plus, this tour had been featured on the travel channel and and discovery channel, so we figured it would be good. It was a rainy night to start, and at around 8pm the streets of the historic area become pretty barren as most shops have closed up. We went to a couple of Bed and Breakfasts and heard their stories of poltergeists and all that. It wasnt too scary up until that point because the tour lady kept going into extensive detail which got tiring. That was at least up until the graveyards. I've always thought that graveyards are creepy, but when you look at one that has been there for hundreds of years, it looks straight out of a horror movie. The fact that we stood right in the middle of the opening gates didnt help. She told us all of the stories regarding a few of the bodies that lay there. She pointed to this one little gravestone of a 5 year old boy and told us how he is frequently seen climbing this huge tree in front of us. Apparently they have captured this on film. The whole time we were standing there, with this tree's branches hanging over us I could not bring myself to look up at the tree, terrified at the though that my brain would make me see something that wasnt there.
So after that cemetary she led us to a few other places and we were now pretty deep into the heart of the historic district. I was joking with my sisters saying "what if she takes us to that last cemetary instead of where we started and then is just like 'ok everyone thats it, have a good night', and then leaves us stranded". We laughed it off because we knew it would never happen. Except that it did. After visiting the last cemetary she gaves us an "ok that its everyone, have a good night"....just as I was thinking, wtf she cant be serious. Well she was and headed off in her own little direction. The rest of the crowd went their separate ways and my sisters and I were left standing next to the graveyard. We sort of knew where we had to go, but it included walking down this old street that we had just come from....the same street that walked right next to the graveyard with the 5 yr old ghost...and the same street that at this point was dead silent and dark. We seriously had no idea where we were. Just when I was beginning to freak, my cell rang, it was my parents asking if the tour was over yet. I told them how we were standing in some street with no idea where to go. parents turned out to be right around the corner and we saw them immediately. That was a huge coincidence though....I mean of all streets they ended up on that one and the same exact time we did, at like 10 pm at night. The other thing I thought was weird was that I get no reception in the historic area, not even one bar, but when they called I had full service...and immediately after I had none. All in the same area. I think Ive got my fill of ghost tours for a while.
I wish I was just going home to do nothing for a week but soak up the sun on the beach, but I leave tomorrow morning for NYC as the apartment hunt moves into full force. From what Ive seen so far this week, there are very few 2 bedroom apartments for rent in the West Village. Apparently everyone has told Ann (who has been there for a few days already) that anyone who has a 2br in the WV most likely holds onto it, you know, for life. Super. So anyways, I guess now we are looking more in the East Village. There are definitely more places to rent there and they are more affordable, its just that my commute to school will suck. Is transferring subways really that bad? Everyone has told me to avoid it. Maybe it wont be that bad. I mean, I got to school three days a week, and none of those times are during rush hour. I guess Ill just wait and see.
Anyways, time to pack up my stuff, just so I can drive home and repack it. Wish me luck in nyc and that I dont get some shithole place.
Ps- We are staying in a friend's place while they are the financial district. Should be interesting.
Saturday, July 31, 2004
And so another chapter ends...
Well yesterday was my last day of work, and I cant tell you what an awkward feeling it was leaving a job with no plans of going to another one. Don't get me wrong, its a great feeling, just a foreign one to me.
Everyone was so terrific to me there. So friendly and understanding, just all around good people. Ive really never had a bad working experience at any job, which kind of makes me feel afraid that Ive almost had it too good. I always hear about people having awful bosses or shitty work schedules, and Ive never really experienced that. Im 25 years old and Ive somehow managed to work in very professional jobs, yet still take off when I need for various things like vacations or whatever. I guess Ive just been lucky. I hope that luck continues.
Today I am in St. Augustine, just got here a few hours ago. The plan is to do nothing but relax, shop, and just hang out. This is exactly what I have needed. I think we might take a day trip up to Savannah one day too. That should be nice.
So anyways, I guess I just wanted to let you all know I was still alive, in case you were interested. Work was just so nuts these past couple of days I sometimes forgot to eat lunch. They had a nice sendoff for me and managed to stick a little moula in my pocket, so thats always nice. What was the best was hearing the Director of Partner Programs for the whole corporation tell me that "we are a better company because of you". That was a suprise to hear, but I couldnt have asked for a nicer compliment. Im really going to miss all of them.
Well, Im outta here. Have a good weekend.
ps- Puddy (my fish) was in a tragic accident on highway 528. He did not survive :(
Everyone was so terrific to me there. So friendly and understanding, just all around good people. Ive really never had a bad working experience at any job, which kind of makes me feel afraid that Ive almost had it too good. I always hear about people having awful bosses or shitty work schedules, and Ive never really experienced that. Im 25 years old and Ive somehow managed to work in very professional jobs, yet still take off when I need for various things like vacations or whatever. I guess Ive just been lucky. I hope that luck continues.
Today I am in St. Augustine, just got here a few hours ago. The plan is to do nothing but relax, shop, and just hang out. This is exactly what I have needed. I think we might take a day trip up to Savannah one day too. That should be nice.
So anyways, I guess I just wanted to let you all know I was still alive, in case you were interested. Work was just so nuts these past couple of days I sometimes forgot to eat lunch. They had a nice sendoff for me and managed to stick a little moula in my pocket, so thats always nice. What was the best was hearing the Director of Partner Programs for the whole corporation tell me that "we are a better company because of you". That was a suprise to hear, but I couldnt have asked for a nicer compliment. Im really going to miss all of them.
Well, Im outta here. Have a good weekend.
ps- Puddy (my fish) was in a tragic accident on highway 528. He did not survive :(
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
So freaking tired
Thank God I'm out of college living.
Maybe I just got too use to my quiet apartment. Maybe I am too set in my "older person" mode. Maybe my sister's neighbors are just idiots who have no concept of time. Whoa, did I just say that?
Well the past couple of nights have been typical "party nights" complete with loud talking drunk kids, bottles being broken, and the occassional hyena laughs courtesy of drunk sorority girls. This all seemed pretty normal, even though I was surprised to see that most parties end with everyone cleaning up, then going to bed. That is NOT how we use to do it. It was more like: pass out on something soft, and deal with the destruction made tomorrow....afternoon.
Anyways, last night was anything but typical. At around 12:30 we started hearing the group gather. I was in and out of sleep for most of the night, but we were awakened nicely at 3:30 to hear the cops outside our door. What I coulf gather from the convo was that someone was running around setting of fireworks or something. The cop was crazy pissed and was freaking out these sorority girls (mildly entertaining). The cop kept telling her that if she didnt turn in who did it that he was charging that whole apartment with the disturbance. Then I heard the girl run into her apartment and drag out some other girl yelling at her to go tell the cop that she knows the people that did it. It was all so juvenile. Not to mention the most annoying thing ever.
So its not really that I haven't slept, I guess its more like sleeping on an airplane. You are sort of sleeping, but completely aware of everything going on around you. Three more nights of this should not make for a happy Laura come Friday. Maybe I should start drinking aglass bottle of wine before I go to bed.
Maybe I just got too use to my quiet apartment. Maybe I am too set in my "older person" mode. Maybe my sister's neighbors are just idiots who have no concept of time. Whoa, did I just say that?
Well the past couple of nights have been typical "party nights" complete with loud talking drunk kids, bottles being broken, and the occassional hyena laughs courtesy of drunk sorority girls. This all seemed pretty normal, even though I was surprised to see that most parties end with everyone cleaning up, then going to bed. That is NOT how we use to do it. It was more like: pass out on something soft, and deal with the destruction made tomorrow....afternoon.
Anyways, last night was anything but typical. At around 12:30 we started hearing the group gather. I was in and out of sleep for most of the night, but we were awakened nicely at 3:30 to hear the cops outside our door. What I coulf gather from the convo was that someone was running around setting of fireworks or something. The cop was crazy pissed and was freaking out these sorority girls (mildly entertaining). The cop kept telling her that if she didnt turn in who did it that he was charging that whole apartment with the disturbance. Then I heard the girl run into her apartment and drag out some other girl yelling at her to go tell the cop that she knows the people that did it. It was all so juvenile. Not to mention the most annoying thing ever.
So its not really that I haven't slept, I guess its more like sleeping on an airplane. You are sort of sleeping, but completely aware of everything going on around you. Three more nights of this should not make for a happy Laura come Friday. Maybe I should start drinking a
Monday, July 26, 2004
One step closer
Well, I am moved. I made the mistake of uttering the phrase "Oh this isnt as bad as last time" halfway through the day. Yes, it was as bad as last time. I guess moving is just never easy, no matter how much you prepare. I thought I was in semi-good shape, but my aching body tells me otherwise.
So now, I am living with my sister until Friday, which is my last day of work. Then after that I'm going home to Melbourne. My sister lives in a very "college-ish" type apartment community right by the university. It certainly brings back memories. Its funny because I find myself criticizing some of the college kids that are doing the same stuff I use to do not too long ago. The people that live across from my sister like to have parties, a lot, and since the walls are apparently made of paper mache, we can hear pretty much every word they utter if they are standing outside. Luckily, the party they had the other night was the night of my move, so I was out at like 10pm, and I think I could have slept through a bomb going off.
Its funny how an environment changes the way you act. For instance, at my own apartment I tried to eat well, go to bed at a decent hour, I worked out, and I rarely went "out". Nooooow....Ive been in college living for only like 48 hours and its back to eating icecream out of the container, staying up late, never working out or even having the desire to, and I might be going out this Thursday night. So I guess its nothing radical, I just went from being 45 back to being 25.
I have 4 days left of work and my motivation is seriously lacking.
PS- Has anyone seen this article? So freaking insane.
So now, I am living with my sister until Friday, which is my last day of work. Then after that I'm going home to Melbourne. My sister lives in a very "college-ish" type apartment community right by the university. It certainly brings back memories. Its funny because I find myself criticizing some of the college kids that are doing the same stuff I use to do not too long ago. The people that live across from my sister like to have parties, a lot, and since the walls are apparently made of paper mache, we can hear pretty much every word they utter if they are standing outside. Luckily, the party they had the other night was the night of my move, so I was out at like 10pm, and I think I could have slept through a bomb going off.
Its funny how an environment changes the way you act. For instance, at my own apartment I tried to eat well, go to bed at a decent hour, I worked out, and I rarely went "out". Nooooow....Ive been in college living for only like 48 hours and its back to eating icecream out of the container, staying up late, never working out or even having the desire to, and I might be going out this Thursday night. So I guess its nothing radical, I just went from being 45 back to being 25.
I have 4 days left of work and my motivation is seriously lacking.
PS- Has anyone seen this article? So freaking insane.
Friday, July 23, 2004
Catwoman sucked? Get outta town!
Is anyone really surprised that Catwoman got awful reviews? I dont think so. I just dont understand how like 80% of the public can form an opinion on if a movie is going to be dumb just from watching a 15 second preview...yet the producers of the film think it will be great the whole time it is being made. Explain that to me. I would think by now we all would have learned that it takes much more than a hot actress and a fictional icon to make a movie.
I was kind of disappointed to read yesterday that Kirsten Dunst and Jake Gyllenhaal have separated. They looked like one of the few Hollywood couples that might actually make it. Of course their reps says that they are still the "best of friends". I wonder if its ever even partially true when they say that.
Did anyone know that Reese Witherspoon's real name is Laura? Weird, I just found out. I use to be so in love with her husband Ryan Phillipe, thanks to Cruel Intentions. If any of you are looking for a cure to your Ryan Phillipe obessesion, look no further. All you have to do is watch Little Boy Blue. It will make you feel all kinds of weird and nasty.
Well on an energy scale of 1 to 10, I am running on about a 3. Tonight its crunch time with packing since moving day is tomorrow. Ick. With every box I pack I look at a certain item and think, "wow, the next time I use this I will be living in NYC". It still seems surreal, but nice.
Have a good weekend ;)
I was kind of disappointed to read yesterday that Kirsten Dunst and Jake Gyllenhaal have separated. They looked like one of the few Hollywood couples that might actually make it. Of course their reps says that they are still the "best of friends". I wonder if its ever even partially true when they say that.
Did anyone know that Reese Witherspoon's real name is Laura? Weird, I just found out. I use to be so in love with her husband Ryan Phillipe, thanks to Cruel Intentions. If any of you are looking for a cure to your Ryan Phillipe obessesion, look no further. All you have to do is watch Little Boy Blue. It will make you feel all kinds of weird and nasty.
Well on an energy scale of 1 to 10, I am running on about a 3. Tonight its crunch time with packing since moving day is tomorrow. Ick. With every box I pack I look at a certain item and think, "wow, the next time I use this I will be living in NYC". It still seems surreal, but nice.
Have a good weekend ;)
Thursday, July 22, 2004
I'd like the chicken salad, but can I get the teeth on the side?
Ok, I officially HATE packing. I am at that stage now where I seem to be doing a lot of work, yet when I look around it looks like I havent done anything. Not to mention I havent bought any groceries because I know I would just have to throw them out. So because I dont want to get fast food everyday, Ive been living off of lean cuisines, berry berry kix, and wheat thins. I know it sounds glamorous, but that meal combo really isnt as delicious as you might think.
I registered for classes today and was really happy with my kick-ass schedule. I only go to school Monday through Wednesday, woohoo. So now that makes me think what I will do with all of those other days in which I dont have class. I am sure I will need to time to study and whatnot, but now Ive started contemplating possible jobs. I really hate retail, and wasnt really a fan of the "hospitality" industry, but who knows, I guess at this point I cant be picky. Its going to be weird not having a job at first. I've been working since I was 16, non-stop. I like to work, I HAVE to work. I could never stay at home I dont think, I would get to ansy and probably go mad.
Someone just heated something up in the microwave here and now the whole floor smells like green onions, which then makes me think of Taco Bell, which then makes me think of their commercials that have pics of that nasty burrito with big chicken chunks hanging out of it. Gross. Anyone who thinks they are getting real chicken or beef from Taco Bell is in for a surprise. I heard from someone they use tuna chunks sometimes and just season it like the chicken and people cant tell the difference. Apparently that's less expensive.
All it takes for me to boycott a food item is one bad experience. I guess its a mental thing. I use to love Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich, but one time I got one and bit into it and the chicken was the consistency of taking a bite out of a block of soft cream cheese. Needless to say I didnt eat one of those after that for 2 years. Oh yea and another time, I was at McDonald's and was about to finish my last piece of bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit...when i decided to take the top off to rearrange the insides. To my suprise there was a nice little fly embedded in the egg. Can you believe when I took that up to the counter the only thing they did was take the piece of sandwich and then say "sorry".
The worst was when I worked at Applebee's and someone found a tooth in their salad. Hahhahahah. I mean what do you even say to that? That poor manager. We all knew who it was too. There was this dirty little old lady that worked the kitchen and she was by far all gums....well at least now she was. Anything gross like that ever happen at a food place to you guys? My inquiring mind wants to know.
ps- My friends and I use to eat at this place around the corner from our highschool that had the best Chinese food. About a 2yrs after I moved, I read in the paper that they found dead cats in the freezer. Lovely.
I registered for classes today and was really happy with my kick-ass schedule. I only go to school Monday through Wednesday, woohoo. So now that makes me think what I will do with all of those other days in which I dont have class. I am sure I will need to time to study and whatnot, but now Ive started contemplating possible jobs. I really hate retail, and wasnt really a fan of the "hospitality" industry, but who knows, I guess at this point I cant be picky. Its going to be weird not having a job at first. I've been working since I was 16, non-stop. I like to work, I HAVE to work. I could never stay at home I dont think, I would get to ansy and probably go mad.
Someone just heated something up in the microwave here and now the whole floor smells like green onions, which then makes me think of Taco Bell, which then makes me think of their commercials that have pics of that nasty burrito with big chicken chunks hanging out of it. Gross. Anyone who thinks they are getting real chicken or beef from Taco Bell is in for a surprise. I heard from someone they use tuna chunks sometimes and just season it like the chicken and people cant tell the difference. Apparently that's less expensive.
All it takes for me to boycott a food item is one bad experience. I guess its a mental thing. I use to love Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich, but one time I got one and bit into it and the chicken was the consistency of taking a bite out of a block of soft cream cheese. Needless to say I didnt eat one of those after that for 2 years. Oh yea and another time, I was at McDonald's and was about to finish my last piece of bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit...when i decided to take the top off to rearrange the insides. To my suprise there was a nice little fly embedded in the egg. Can you believe when I took that up to the counter the only thing they did was take the piece of sandwich and then say "sorry".
The worst was when I worked at Applebee's and someone found a tooth in their salad. Hahhahahah. I mean what do you even say to that? That poor manager. We all knew who it was too. There was this dirty little old lady that worked the kitchen and she was by far all gums....well at least now she was. Anything gross like that ever happen at a food place to you guys? My inquiring mind wants to know.
ps- My friends and I use to eat at this place around the corner from our highschool that had the best Chinese food. About a 2yrs after I moved, I read in the paper that they found dead cats in the freezer. Lovely.
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