Friday, September 24, 2004

A little too much power

Well, one judgement I have made up here so far is that bouncers have a little too much power. Back in Orlando, these so-called bouncers were people my age that just happened to be slightly bigger than the average person. Here, its a profession. Not that I didnt know this, but I guess after the experience last night, Im just a little pissy.

So me and a group of friends from school went out last night to a few bars. We were hopping around from place to place and ended up at this bar called The Joshua Tree, where every single one of us got in no problem except for one of our male friends who the bouncer announced that he had had too much to drink and he couldnt come in. Now first of all, yes we had been bar-hopping, but none of us were drunk, especially him. I was already inside when this news came across so I went back out to see what the hell was going on. The bouncer said it one more time and then left and changed shifts with this other dude who was an even bigger dick. Our friend was asking him, "ok thats fine that you wont let me in, but seriously, why is it that you think im so drunk?". He was completely polite about it, but the bouncer would just freak out and yell "Hey! Im going with his decision because he does this for a living, so just shut the fuck up". Ok first of all, not cool. This is when all the blood goes to my fists and I have the urge to punch. There is no reason to be an ass and I told him that and then I furthermore told my friends that I wouldnt go into a bar that employed such dumbasses to guard the door. Well Mr. Bouncer didnt like that, but I didnt care, so anyways long story short, we left and decided to go to the bar right next door. So we are all going in and BAM, he stops the guy..."youve had too much". We are all like "youve got to be fucking kidding me". We know why this time, its because he watched the whole ordeal next door and wasnt about to rule against that. So gay. So we left and as we walked out yet another door I gave a piece of advice to the bouncer saying "im pretty sure you have a brain, so you can probably stop borrowing his" (pointing to the bouncer next door). I am so going to get killed in this city. Kisses!

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Its 3rd year of college all over again, except in a much cooler city

Well its 12:30 here and I just woke up, how wonderful is that? You know those nights that you have when you think you are just going out for dinner and then it turns into this whole thing and you dont end up home until pretty late, etc? Well that has been pretty much every experience of going out in NYC. Even before we had officially moved here, a couple of drinks after dinner led to making all these new friends, meeting my NYC guy, and returning home at 6:30 am.

Last night was another one of those nights. My roommate Ann had to fly home to Florida this morning to help her family move, and her flight was at 5:45, so the shuttle was set to pick her up at 3:30am. So we went to dinner after class and we had the slowest waiter on earth and I am quite sure that we were the only people there that didnt speak Italian. Anyways, it took forever to get our food, but meanwhile we had been downing the wine. Anyways, after dinner we decided (the wine decided) that Ann should just stay up all night drinking until the shuttle came. So we went off to this bar where about 5 minutes after we sat we were approached by this guy shouting his resume. Now, Im not use to this from Florida, but I swear if he told us one more time that "I work on Wallstreet, so its all good"...I would have had to punch him. So what? You work on Wallstreet, whoopity doo, so do a billion other people. I guess I still have to grow accustomed to this. My friend Brian says that he thinks that a lot of the girls here are very concerned with stature and money when it comes to men, that I dont know, but it is becomming more likely just due to this outburst of resume we always seem to get. Hello men of NYC, my name is Laura and I dont care where you work, how important you are or how much money you have. Sure you have to have goals and all that, but the next time one of you blurts out about this fancy shmancy club you went to last week and how you could "get us in", I cant guarantee I wont laugh.

So anyways, after meeting 2 nice guys from Rutgers and playing a little "beirut" (is that how you spell it?)- we had 30 minutes on the clock to get back to the apartment and get her stuff ready. Well we decided that was too much time and that we needed some pizza, so off to Joe's Pizza where there these 2 guys came up to us to chat. Well long story short I found myself in this conversation:

Guy: So do you smoke weed?
Me: haha (are we still in highschool?) Nope, I dont
Guy: Well I smoke weed all the time, 24/7, you can tell by my eyes
Me: Actually, I cant tell at all by your eyes
Guy: So do you want to hang out tomorrow?
Me: Umm, well I have class ( I dont have class)
Guy: what time
Me: 2:40 (pulling a time out of my ass)
Guy:I'll call you at 4
Me: ok (shit!)

See this is the thing, Ann and I would never have normally given out our real numbers if we didnt want to, but here we have and I dont know why. I think its because of the possibility of bumping into these people again (which has happened). Oh well, with my new system of putting their name in my phone and a "DNA" (Do not answer) next to it, it works just fine.

So anyways we made it home and Ann got her drunk ass on the shuttle and I passed out in bed. Tonight I'm meeting up with some school friends for this free BBQ and beer thing at school for Grads and then some bar, I forget the name. Should be fun.

As for now, I desperately need some food and to get out of the apartment.

Monday, September 20, 2004

What happened to those classes that were 45 minutes? Oh yea, that was highschool.

So I somehow managed to survive 4 hours of accounting and 2 hours of law today. Havent these teachers ever heard of that interesting tidbit of research that states that students lose all capacity to retain knowledge after something like 25 minutes? Well apparently not. My brain is officially fried today.

The flight back yesterday wasn't too bad except for my layover in Cinncinatti. I dont handle layovers well. I should just sit and read but instead I wander around spending money like I have it or something. In the 1.5 hour layover I had I managed to spend $20 on greeting cards and $5 on a TCBY Shiver, half of which I through away. Go me.

The weather was gorgeous here today, it was like a high of 68, perfect picnic in the park weather. Ive got to do something fun this weekend that will get my mind off the fact that Mr. NYC flew out to L.A. today. Im sure I'll come up with something. My roommate Ann saw Mario today in Washington Square Park setting up for some big dinner. Some bum told her that it was a party for Nicole Kidman. Riiiiiiight.

Alrighty, well its midnight and Ive got one month of free movie channels so im going to go get my moneys worth from those Time Warner bastards. Nighty poo.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

It's about damn time!

Well hello, to my few faithful readers that are left. What a whirlwind the past month has been. I dont even know where to start. I just flew back into Florida today for the weekend because its my dad's 50th bday and we are throwing him a big bash. Its nice to be home, but its like a different world now, its weird. You go from so fast pace to just strolling along. I feel like I should be doing something or out somewhere, but I guess everyone needs time to just kind of relax. The apartment is finally complete. It took forever to get it how we wanted it, but it finally came together. I love my neighborhood so much. Its so fantastic and its just so alive. Aside from all the fabulous restaurants and stuff around, its just this feeling that you get when you walk around and you just know that there are all these crazy and interesting things going on, its great. Ok for some reason this computer wont let me make paragraphs so that why this is all jumbled together. Ive seen my NYC boy a lot, which has been terrific, but unfortunately I had to say goodbye to him this morning before my flight. I get back Sunday night and he leaves for L.A. early Monday. We talked forever about how it could work, and it would just be so hard, hes just so far away. Even holidays wouldnt work because he would go home to NY and I would go home to FL. It really sucks because we both have these awesome feelings for each other, but its kind of out of our hands. Of course we will stay in touch, but thats all we can really do right now. Oh well, who knows what the future holds right? School has been keeping me crazy busy, but that was to be expected. I feel like there is so much to experience in NYC that 2 years may not even be enough. Its crazy because I could walk down the same street everyday and still see things that I hadnt seen the day before. I love that aspect of the city. Its crazy how fast Ive become attached to the sights and sounds of a city that I never thought I would be a true part of. I guess I always just thought even when I lived there I would feel like a tourist. Not the case at all. I have grown use to so many little things in the neighborhood that it really makes me feel at home... the doorman down the street who I have a meet and greet with daily, the nice Indian guys that run the internet cafe around the corner, the guy that belts out random R&B songs somewhere around my building (Ive never actually seen him, but hes pretty good), the lady in my building who I assume is involved in theatre because she practices her opera singing daily, and lets not forget the couple in the building that has really loud sex at all hours of the day. We thought it was porn at first, but Im pretty sure its authentic. Yep, its all home to me. More to come soon...I'll be back in NYC on Sunday. Have a great weekend :)